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This year is off to a busy start. We have already held three meetings of the Board of Supervisors and our next meeting is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, February 6th, at 9:00 AM. We have a busy agenda including hearings for two appeals. Here is information regarding recent and upcoming meetings and highlights regarding county matters.
Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, January 31st
You can read my notes from our last board meeting by clicking here. We confirmed Amelia Fleitz as the new Planning Commissioner for District 2 and we approved changes to an ordinance related to the distance buildings need to be from roads within Trinity County.
Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, January 16th at 9:00 AM
Our upcoming agenda includes three presentations – one from the U.S. Forest Service, another regarding Accela (a software platform that can be used to better manage/monitor data related to the commercial cannabis program), and a presentation from Health & Human Services focused on CalWORKS.
The County Matters portion of the agenda has seven items, including the potential extension of the streamlined approval process for certain cannabis licenses and two hearings for cannabis-related appeals.
The first appeal is from property owners in Hettenshaw who oppose the licesining of a commercial cannabis operation in the area. The second appeal is from someone who is appealing the denial of his application for a commercial cannabis license within one of the Lewiston Opt-Out (Grass Valley Creek) Areas.
The closed session agenda has two items, including discussion with County Counsel regarding the Opt-Out requests that were presented to the board during the January 16th meeting. There is, of course, more on the agenda which you can find by clicking here.
Planning Commission Meeting – Thursday, February 8th at 6:00 PM
- The Planning Commission will be considering an amendment to the Limited Density Rural Dwelling ordinance. They will also be considering an amendment to cannabis cultivation ordinances – proposing the change of the word “cultivation” to “canopy” for purposes of clarifying property line setback requirements.
- I will be traveling on county business to Sacramento on Monday to attend Senator McGuire’s Swearing-in Ceremony as Senate President pro tempore.
- Airport Advisory Committee
- No meeting since my last update.
- Psa II Area Agency On Aging Executive Board
- No meeting since my last update.
- Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association
- I am now the alternate representative for this committee. Jill Cox has returned to her previous role as primary representative. I did not attend last month’s meeting.
- California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
- No meeting since my last update.
- Northern Rural Training And Employment Consortium (NORTEC)
- I participated in two sessions with the Executive Director in preparation for upcoming Ad Hoc Committee and Board meetings.
- Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD)
- Executive Director, Ryan Richardson was in Weaverville last week to discuss potential projects. Our next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 15th via Zoom. Trinity County has an opening on the SCEDD Board. Please let me know if you are interested.
- NACo Telecommunications & Technology Steering Committee
- The most recent meeting (via Zoom) included updates on several key initiatives – including efforts to extend funding for residents who need financial assistance to access broadband services.
- I will not be attending the Annual Conference which is scheduled for February 10-13 in Washington, D.C. Supervisor Carpenter-Harris will be in attendance to represent Trinity County.
- Disaster Council
- The chair of the Board of Supervisors is assigned as the chair of the Disaster Council. This meeting brings together representatives from all of the organizations involved in health & safety matters throughout the county. The next meeting is scheduled for March 12th.
- Cannabis Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee
- Our most recent meetings focused on the prioritized list of proposed changes to our existing ordinances. Supervisor Frasier and I are continuing to work on proposed enhancements to the enforcement aspects of our ordinances.
Trinity County Community Development Corporation (TCDC)
- California Jobs First – this important funding opportunity continues to evolve. I will be participating in two sub-committee meetings this coming week – one focused on Economic Development and the other focused on Recreation & Tourism.
- The McConnell Foundation – we had a great meeting with the COO of The McConnell Foundation. We were able to share information regarding Trinity County’s challenges and opportunities. She commented on the strong collaboration and momentum that is building here in Trinity County.
- Economic Development
- Trent Tuthill | CAO and I met with representatives from the Humboldt Area Foundation, Wild Rivers Community Foundation, and the Arcata Economic Development Corporation last week to discuss ways in which we could collaborate on projects and funding opportunities. We are steadily building our network of individuals and organizations who can assist Trinity County in meeting our economic development goals.
- Trinity Lake & River Releases
- Reconsultation – CAO – Trent Tuthill continues to work with Supervisors Gogan & Carpenter-Harris, along with local experts to ensure that Trinity County’s interests are well represented in the ongoing re-consultation process. This process impacts decisions about all water releases from Trinity Lake.
- River Restoration Flows – We were unable to reach an agreement via the Trinity Management Council (TMC) regarding changes to the proposed Winter Variable Flows for 2024. This means that (unless the Bureau of Reclamation overrules the TMC) water releases for river restoration this year will return to what we were used to before last year’s introduction of Winter Variable Flows. There are ongoing efforts to reach an agreement on how a modified Winter Variable Flows approach could be reintroduced.
- Department Updates
I am pleased to report that the board is now receiving written updates from many departments. We are working toward having all of these updates available via the Trinity County website. I appreciate the effort being made to enhance communications and increase engagement.
ENHANCED COMMUNICATIONS – You can now subscribe to email updates directly from county staff. The left-hand column of the county’s home page has a simple form to use in signing up for these email updates. Click here to access the home page and subscription form.
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD & PLANNING COMMISSION VIDEO RECORDINGS – click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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