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This meeting began with six presentations. The agenda was otherwise fairly light and we wrapped up around noon. Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.




Behavioral Health Services – Receive a presentation from Behavioral Health Services Deputy Director of Quality Assurance Torri Cardilino, and Triage Manager Shawna Hanely, regarding the implementation of Mobile Crisis Services. No fiscal impact.

  • Shared a presentation providing information regarding the new mobile crisis response services that will soon (July 1st) be introduced here in Trinity County.
  • 132 crisis interventions in 2023 – only 7% required hospitalization
  • Purpose – provide rapid response, individual assessment and community-based stabilization to Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis.


Board of Supervisors – Receive a presentation from SMART Workforce representatives regarding updates in Trinity County. No fiscal impact.

  • Wendy Zanotelli & Heidi Miller | SMART Workforce Center
  • 2008 – Trinity added to the region covered by SMART
  • NoRTEC – central organization that works with SMART and two other entities for the 11 counties
  • Office in Weaverville’s Shasta College buildings and in Redding
  • 660 unique visitors to Shasta College location
  • Rapid Response – anyone who loses their job due to business closing/downsizing can receive services to help them with the next step in their career.
  • Justice-Involved, Young Adult, Dislocated Worker, Adult
  • Paid educational training
  • Paid work experience – on the job training
  • Paid supportive services
  • Metrics
    • 77% must be employed after exit
    • 77% gain measurable skills
    • 79% ….
  • Robust list of educational programs
  • National Dislocated Worker Grants – funding that results from federally declared disasters
    • 20 people enrolled yesterday for U.S. Forest Service roles – SMART provided gear, training, etc. (5 weeks unemployed to qualify)
  • CalWORKS – being handled by SMART in Trinity County.
    • 31 individuals served since early 2022
  • Highlighted support from law enforcement and probation and several examples of Trinity County success stories
  • CAO Trent Tuthill offered appreciation for SMART’s their strong support of the county.


Clerk of the Board – Receive an update from U.S. Forest Service representatives regarding matters of interest in Trinity County.

  • Ben Sundall
    • $29 million being worked into contracts now
    • $1.5 million in additional funding through the Good Neighbor Authority agreement with Trinity County
    • Hyampom – mid-June completion of planning… next up is Big Ranch (Burnt Ranch, Salyer, etc.)
    • Timber output – working on two projects – including Bowerman
    • Prescribed Fire – more than doubled the amount of previous years – 115 days so far.
    • ~4,000 acres so far of fuel management
    • Volunteer Fire Departments – working with U.S. Forest Service on prescribed burns
    • Staffing – still a large focus as they work to achieve staffing plans for the upcoming season.
    • Recreation – two 20 person crew and one 10 person crew at work to open trails and campgrounds. Also working on sign replacement and new kiosks to address areas previously damaged by fires.
    • Open House Meetings – will be scheduled soon.
    • Field Trip – infrastructure team coming soon, then joint chiefs
    • Partner BBQ on June 6th
  • Sara Acridge
    • Trinity Center Marina – Cedar Stock will be operational by May 23rd. 25 slips, fuel sales, ice, snacks, boat rentals
    • Minersville Boat Ramp – great feedback at the open house in Trinity Center. Working with the water board regarding parking, etc.
    • Bowerman Boat Ramp – cables broken and stolen. Replacements ordered but they are still awaiting news on the delivery date.
    • Other boat ramps open
    • Stuart Forks boat launch – placing signs and will then be open
    • Trinity Center Airport – acknowledged need for handling trees on Forest Service land – should be done in May. Other work being planned.
    • Risk Reduction Project – Highway 3 area will be receiving fuels reduction, etc. Special use permits will be considered as part of the project to address adjoining lands.


Community Development – Planning – Receive an update from consultant Mintier Harnish regarding the General Plan update project. No fiscal impact.

  • Brent Gibbon | Mintier Harnish
    • Initiated the project in Spring 2021
    • Current Focus – Housing Element & Comprehensive Zoning Code Update
    • Community Plans – started in November 2022. A community workshop summary will be available for public review in the coming weeks.
    • Zoning Seminar on May 23, 2024
    • General Plan Policy Document – release for public review July 2024
    • Zoning Code Issues Workshops July 2024
    • General Plan Workshops on Policy Document in Weaverville and Hayfork and Board and Commission Study Session in August 2024
    • 3rd Round of Community Plan Workshops in September 2024
      • Timing allows for completion of county-wide policy document prior to community meetings on policy
    • EIR (environmental impact report) – initiate in Summer 2024
    • Adoption – on track for late Spring – early Summer 2025
    • Notifications will include posting on site, social media, newspaper, and email


Sheriff – Adopt a proclamation of appreciation recognizing May 5-11, 2024 as National Correctional Officer Week. No fiscal impact.

  • The board approved this matter and presented the proclamation to Sheriff Saxon.


Sheriff – Adopt a proclamation of appreciation recognizing May 15, 2024, as National Peace Officer Memorial Day and May 12-18, 2024 as National Police Week. No fiscal impact.

  • The board approved this matter and presented the proclamation to Sheriff Saxon and other members of local law enforcement.



  • Support shared for the consent calendar item regarding funding from the Watershed Research Center to the County for natural resources.
  • Support offered for a matter that will be on the May 21st agenda – a board decision that is required to support the purchase of land for conservation purposes.
  • Parks & Recreation – comments shared regarding strong partnerships with other entities in Trinity County. Working on a grant with the Arts Council. Encouraged attendance at community meetings to learn more about opportunities for making a difference.



Report from Department Heads
  • Liz Hamilton | Health & Human Services
  • Skylar Fisher | Fire Safe Council – Hazard Mitigation
    • Public review period for the Hazard Mitigation Plan is underway. This includes a first-of-it’s-kind Evacuation Plan. Binders are available for public viewing at many locations throughout the county.
    • Community meetings scheduled (May & June) throughout the county – eleven locations.
    • At Hayfork Park this weekend
Report from County Administrative Officer
  • CVP Reconsultation – 2nd draft submitted… similar to those previously submitted. Seeking a separate EIR. Appears that the BOR will instead offer a separate biological opinion (vs. separate EIR).
  • Public Defender RFP – underway with responses due later this month. July 1st is start date for new contract
  • Systems – staged implementation of features is going well.
  • Budget Process – this is already underway
  • Agenda Platform – this is our first meeting using the new platform. Individuals who want to continue receiving emails when new agendas are published will need to sign up again.
Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors

District 1 | Ric Leutwyler

  • TCDC Community Development Workshop – workshop held in Weaverville had 40 to 50 people in attendance – including representatives from the Governors Office of Economic Development, SCED, SPI, and more.  Another workshop is scheduled on May 22nd at the Roderick Senior Center in Hayfork.
  • California Jobs First – participated in the steering committee. The portal for submitting ideas is now closed. We anticipate making funding decisions within the next 60 to 90 days.
  • Regional Forest Service General Management Public Workshop – participated along with Supervisor Cox in providing feedback and suggestions.
  • General Plan Zoning Stakeholder Interview – provided input regarding the process and expected outcomes.
  • CSAC Legislative Conference & Board Meeting – several days in Sacramento. Lots of valuable information – including about potential negative impacts from proposed legislation.
  • North Coast Resource Partnership – joined board members for dinner the evening before and attended the bord meeting as a member of the public.
  • Hearing for California’s Homeowners Insurance Market – attended part two of the Little Hoover Commission session.
  • Career Fair – stopped by toward the end.
  • Mobile Crisis Stakeholders – participated in the second session. I am impressed with the strong planning, coordination, and collaboration.

District 2 | Jill Cox

  • Zoning Interview
  • CSAC Legislative Conference in Sacramento. Great opportunity to build relationships. Invited to record a video regarding Trinity County matters of importance – fire insurance was high on the list.
  • NorCAL EMS Annual Conference – our representative to their board.
  • First Five Commission – new leader is on board and doing very well.
  • PSA2 – provided feedback to State leadership
  • Forest Service Listening Session – participated in this process. Leadership was very open to feedback and requests. Requested limited NEPA exemption on post-fire lands.
  • LAFCO – participated in the most recent meeting.
  • Community Development Workshop
  • Mobile Crisis Stakeholder Meeting
  • North Coast Resource Partnership – participated as member of the public. Impressed with the impact of this organization and the strong collaboration.
  • Golden Age Center – impressed with all the services provided.
  • Weaverville Volunteer Fire Department – attended appreciation dinner.
  • Weaverville Chamber – acknowledged great work being done.

District 3 | Liam Gogan

  • North Coast Resource Partnership – great group of people doing wonderful work. Received positive feedback regarding the meeting being hosted at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Acknowledged Supervisor Carpenter-Harris’ role in organizing the meeting.
  • Hayfork Fire Safe Council Fair this weekend.
  • TRRP Science Symposium – impressed with the event
  • Town Hall Meeting – 30 to 40 people in an open forum format.
  • Clair Cox – voted to All-State Team… only third person from Trinity High School

District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris

  • North Coast Resource Partnership meeting – I would like to thank the panel for bringing the alarming information forward regarding the egregious negative impacts to the environment, society, water quality, wildlife, domestic animals and human beings by the illegal cannabis grows in Trinity County and the greater north state. The representatives from the counties and tribes had a robust conversation on the matter and intend to move forward with efforts to clean up these sites through collaboration and combined effort.
  • Rail to Trail Project – I attended a meeting with several landowners and Supervisor Bushnell from Humboldt County on the Rail to Trail Project. It is proposed that roughly 10 miles of the old train track will be converted to trail in Southwestern Trinty County.  To my knowledge no one from the rail to trail team has contacted Trinity County to discuss this matter or provided contact information to attend meetings or provide us with information on this project. I was able to obtain contact information and have reached out to the contacts asking for information regarding the conversion. A petition has been generated by the local tribal peoples in the area, stating the proposed route along the rail line will further expose their ancient village sites to traffic and degradation. I will be working directly with CAO Tuthill and Supervisor Frasier to provide a letter within the public comment period once we have had a chance to fully review the proposal.
  • PG&E – The folks in the Burnt Ranch Area are still struggling to solve the power surge damage done to their home appliances. PG&E is working on setting up a “pop up” to help folks file their claims. No date yet.


  • Frontier – continues to fail in the provision of landline services as per several citizens report of no phone service and complaints regarding delayed response when USA DIG has been called for land work.

District 5 | Dan Frasier

  • NCUAQD – board meeting in April out of county. $200,000 shortfall in budget will be made up with contingency funds
  • Behavioral Health Board – barely made quorum. Changes coming from the State.
  • Social Services Transportation Advisory Committee
  • LAFCO – also had a budget shortfall that will be made up from contingency funds.


Reports from Ad Hocs:

     Cannabis – No Report

     Tribal Relations – No Report


  • The board voted to approve all matters on the consent calendar.



Community Development – Building – Waive the reading of and enact an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 15.25 pertaining to Limited Density Rural Dwellings, introduced on March 19, 2024. Fiscal impact – approximately $2,850 for an initial study, plus unknown costs from the planning consultant.

  • Bella Hedtke | Senior Planner
    • Presented background and staff recommendation which includes direction to staff to complete related project/planning work.
  • Board Discussion
    • County Counsel clarified how we can move forward regarding the Ruth Lake special use district.
    • Supervisor Frasier asked for work on Ruth Lake SUD to be completed as soon as possible since there are limits in place until this process is completed.
    • Staff estimates 2 months to complete this process. Will attempt to build upon what was started in the past.
    • Staff offered to review permits while this process is being worked.
  • The board voted to approve the staff recommendations.


Community Development – Cannabis – Waive the reading of and enact an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 17.43.090 pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Cultivation General Plan Update fees.  No impact to the General Fund.

  • Ed Prestley | Community Development
    • 2nd reading to enact what was previously approved
  • The board voted to approve this matter as presented.


Human Resources – Adopt a resolution regarding the disposition of paid time off of employees who become elected officials. Unknown potential savings to the General Fund.

  • Trent Tuthill | CAO
    • Provides clarity regarding handling of paid time off balance when an employee moves into an elected position.
  • The board voted to approve this matter as presented.
Closed Session Readout


Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation; Significant exposure to litigation; No. of Cases: 1:Prop 26

  • The board gave direction to staff. The County conducted an audit under Prop 26 in conjunction with litigation, and at this time, there are no violations within the Cannabis program.  The Board is directing the CAO to come back to the Board to with proposals to conduct periodic Prop 26 Audits.

Government Code Section 54954.5(e) – Public Employee Appointment: County Counsel.

  • The board gave direction to staff.


Government Code Section 54954.5(f) – Labor Negotiations County’s Designated Representatives: Laila Cassis, Margaret Long and Suzie Hawkins Employee Organizations: General Unit

  • The board gave direction to staff.


Government Code Section 54954.5(e) – Public Employee Evaluation: County Administrative Officer

  • The board gave direction to staff.