Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
There is so much going on here in Trinity County. I sense momentum building around key initiatives that will help us move Trinty County forward. Here is information regarding recent and upcoming meetings and highlights regarding county matters.
Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, January 3rd
- You can read my notes from our last board meeting by clicking here. We adopted an updated Strategic Plan, confirmed committee assignments for each supervisor, and confirmed our board chair and vice chair for 2024.
Planning Commission Meeting – Thursday, January 11th
- You can watch the recording of our most recent Planning Commission by clicking here. The Commission considered a proposal to streamline the process for renewal of cannabis cultivation licenses that (due to changes in the interpretation of ordinance language) now require “variance” approval. This matter will be brought back to the Board of Supervisors in an upcoming meeting.
Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, January 16th at 9:00 AM
- Our upcoming agenda includes the appointment of Angela Blanchard as our Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures. We will also be receiving presentations from representatives of three communities that previously submitted petitions for the establishment of Cannabis Opt-Out Zones. The board is also being asked to consider a change to the Cannabis Ordinance Update process – moving from a single update for all components to pursuing a prioritized list of smaller updates. There is, of course, more on the agenda which you can find by clicking here.
- The Planning Commission usually meets on the second Thursday of every month, with the fourth Thursday for Special Meetings as needed. The meeting time is 6:00 p.m. and the location is 351 Main St, Weaverville Library – Conference Rm.
- I will be traveling on county business later this month to attend the Economic Forecast Conference in Chico and then in February will be in Sacramento to attend Senator McGuire’s Swearing-in Ceremony as Senate President pro-Tempore.
- Airport Advisory Committee
- No meeting since my last update.
- Psa II Area Agency On Aging Executive Board
- No meeting since my last update.
- Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association
- I am now the alternate representative for this committee. Jill Cox has returned to her previous role as primary representative. I did not attend last week’s meeting.
- California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
- No meeting since my last update.
- Northern Rural Training And Employment Consortium (NORTEC)
- No meeting since my last update.
- Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD)
- No meeting since my last update. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 15th. Our agenda includes time for a facilitated strategic planning session with the board.
- NACo Telecommunications & Technology Steering Committee
- I am attending Telecommunications and Technology Steering Committee meetings as my schedule allows.
- The Annual Conference is scheduled for February 10-13 in Washington, D.C.
- Disaster Council
- The chair of the Board of Supervisors is assigned as the chair of the Disaster Council. I attended my first meeting this month. This meeting brings together representatives from all of the organizations involved in health & safety matters throughout the county. I spoke to a representative of CalOES (California Office of Emergency Services) after the meeting. He indicated that Trinity County sets the standards for Disaster Council meetings – noting the high level of support seen from so many different organizations.
- Cannabis Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee
- Our most recent meetings have been focused on developing a prioritized list of proposed changes to our existing ordinances. The board will consider this list during our meeting next week.
- Trinity County Community Development Corporation (TCDC)
- Mountain Biking | Tourism – This group continues to meet regularly as we flesh out priorities and plans. We met last week with CAO | Trent Tuthill and Kyle Warner | Pro Mountain Bike Rider & Spokesperson to discuss plans for attracting more trails & mountain biking-focused tourism. Our time with Kyle was very informative and he already put us in touch with people who can help us move forward.
- California Jobs First – this important funding opportunity continues to evolve. Our board members are taking active roles in the process to ensure that Trinity County is well-represented and prepared to benefit from this program. We have representation on the Steering Committee, the Economic Development Subcommittee, and the Tourism & Recreation Subcommittee.
- McConnell Foundation – we will soon have the opportunity to discuss our plans, priorities, opportunities, and challenges with a McConnell Foundation representative when they visit us here in Trinity County.
- Trinity Lake & River Releases
- CAO – Trent Tuthill continues to work with Supervisors Gogan & Carpenter-Harris, along with local experts to ensure that Trinity County’s interests are well represented in the ongoing re-consultation process. We are finally making some progress in this area.
- Department of Transportation Update
- Panos Kokkas | Director of our Department of Transportation recently released a document explaining road repair/maintenance priorities and timelines. The home page for this department includes links for reporting problems, accessing road and transit information, reviewing department updates, and more. Click here to access all this information.
- Lewiston Makes the List – “” – recently released an article “10 Small Towns In California Where You Can Retire For Less Than $2,000 A Month”… and Lewiston is #7 on the list! Click here to read the article.
ENHANCED COMMUNICATIONS – You can now subscribe to email updates directly from county staff. The left-hand column of the county’s home page has a simple form to use in signing up for these email updates. Click here to access the home page and subscription form.
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD & PLANNING COMMISSION VIDEO RECORDINGS – click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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