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This first board meeting of 2024 included confirmation of our new board chair and vice chair, input and decisions regarding the strategic plan, assignment of supervisors to prepare draft responses to Grand Jury Reports, a decision to pursue a Zero-Emission Vehicle Readiness Plan, and more.

Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.



1.1 Confirm the seating of District 1 Supervisor Ric Leutwyler as Chairman and District 3 Supervisor Liam Gogan as Chair Pro Tem (Vice-Chair).

  • The board voted to approve this matter as presented. 



Clerk of the Board

2.1 Present the outgoing Chairman of the Board of Supervisors with an engraved gavel.

  • It was an honor to present outgoing Chair Cox with an engraved gavel in recognition of her service as board chair.


Health and Human Services

2.2 Adopt a proclamation recognizing the month of January 2024 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

  • The board approved this proclamation and presented it to Liz Hamilton | Director of Health & Human Services



  • Concerns were shared regarding Planning Commissioner Sharp’s actions regarding grading on his commercial property and in his role as commissioner.
  • Concerns were shared regarding Planning Commissioner Sharp’s actions as described above.



3.1 I. Report from Department Heads

  • There were no department head reports during this meeting.

II. Report from County Administrative Officer | Trent Tuthill

  • Mountain Biking | Economic Development Strategy  – a meeting is scheduled with Kyle Warner on January 9th to discuss ways in which Mountain Biking can have a positive economic impact.
  • Leadership Development – Four members of staff are participating in the CSAC Leadership Institute program during 2024.
  • Funding Opportunity – The annual process is underway for Congress to “earmark” funds for special projects. This is an opportunity for us to pursue funding for initiatives that will support Trinity County. We have a couple of good candidate projects. Trent will bring a formal package/presentation to the board.
  • Procurement Policy – working on an update to this very outdated policy. The board should have something to review before the end of March.
  • System Upgrades – our version of NOVUS (the system used for board and commission agendas, etc.) is no longer supported.  We are pursuing a replacement.
  • Limited Density Rural Housing Ordinance – this item will go back to the Planning Commission to provide appropriate opportunities for input from interested parties.


III. Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors

  • District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
    • No out of county travel.
    • Child Abuse Prevention Council – board participation with this group has been limited for some time.  Representatives shared information about current and proposed projects – including the purchase of additional lamps to use for awareness efforts and potentially launching a new public event that brings together all the groups in supporting the health and safety of our children. This group has funding available for initiatives related to child abuse prevention and protecting the health and safety of our children.  One example discussed was the purchase of helmets.  Representatives also discussed upcoming community-facing programs and received updates from each organization represented on the council.
  • District 2 | Jill Cox
    • No out of county travel
  • District 3 | Liam Gogan
    • No out of county travel
    • Water Matters – a counter-proposal has been received regarding Winter Variable Flows. This will be reviewed later this week.
  • District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
    • No out of county travel
    • Special Recognition – offered recognition for Tony’s (resident in the Cedar Flat area) efforts to rescue a lost dog.
  • District 5 | Dan Frasier
    • No out of county travel
    • Behavioral Health Advisory Council – met recently without a quorum.


IV. Reports from Ad Hocs:

A. Cannabis Ordinance

    • The ad hoc committee shared that Supervisors Frasier and Leutwyler provided staff with additional input regarding the enforcement component of our cannabis program ordinances.
    • Since the ad hoc committee established by Chair Cox ended with her term as Chair, a new ad hoc committee was established to work with staff on cannabis ordinance updates.  The term of this ad hoc committee is tied to the completion of the update process.


  • The board approved the Consent Calendar as presented.



Planning and Zoning

5.1 Conduct a Public Hearing to consider introducing and waiving the reading of an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 16.10.010 (D) pertaining to the Designation of the Subdivision Review Committee. No fiscal impact.

  • The board approved this matter as presented



Board of Supervisors

6.1 Discuss and/or find that a Readiness Plan for Zero Emission Charging Stations would be a benefit county-wide and authorize the CAO to sign any necessary documents, working in conjunction with RCRC staff as they coordinate Siskiyou, Modoc and Trinity Counties for a regional approach, to apply for the CalTrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant for ZEV Readiness Plans. Grant range: $100,000 – $700,000 ($350,000 est.) An 11.47% match of the total project cost is required and may be met via cash or in-kind contribution. The match would be split 3-ways between participating counties.

  • Supervisor Cox shared background information regarding this matter. RCRC is offering to assist Siskiyou, Modoc, and Trinity County in developing a readiness plan.
  • Bob Burris | RCRC – readiness plans help counties get involved in the planning and development of work in this arena. This effort will help each county and the region determine what they want/need in this arena. CalTrans can be very helpful in these efforts and encourage regional focus. Estimate $350,000 per county. We would participate in selecting and overseeing the service provider who would do the work. Our $38,000+ commitment would be for funding and/or in-kind services. This means that staff work on this project would count toward this amount.
  • Trent Tuthill | CAO – confirmed that he is comfortable with this commitment. He also described efforts already underway by our DOT.  Noted the potential for future revenues from this initiative (if chargers are placed on county land).
  • Board Discussion
    • Supervisor Frasier shared concerns about this being government-led… vs. it being driven by the market.
    • Supervisor Cox shared that she feels this process helps us to take back control by establishing a clear plan that includes where EV Charges would be needed/appropriate.
    • Bob Burris encouraged Supervisor Frasier to participate in the process to ensure his concerns will be addressed. Sample Readiness Plans can be shared for reference.
    • Supervisor Carpenter-Harris – shared support for the process.
  • The board approved this motion as presented.


Clerk of the Board

6.2 Appoint Supervisors to represent the County on various Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces for 2024. No fiscal impact.

  • Fish and Game Advisory Commission – Supervisor Gogan shared and update and concerns. We need more people to participate. Suggested that we add an alternate from the board. Agreed to stay on as primary.  Supervisor Frasier agreed to become alternate. County Counsel will research our ability
  • Board Discussion
    • Each supervisor was provided the opportunity (in advance of the meeting) to share their preferences regarding committee assignments.
    • The board discussed each of the proposed appointments.  We will follow up on those committees/boards that have not met in recent history.
  • There was board consensus regarding the final allocation of committee assignments.

6.3 Acknowledge receipt of and assign Supervisors to draft a response to the following:

  • 2023 Civil Grand Jury – Mental Health Report; and
  • 2023 Trinity County Grand Jury Report – Solid Waste Report.

No fiscal impact.

  • Trent Tuthill | CAO – Explained the process of formally confirming receipt of the reports and then assigning supervisors to work with staff on responses. These responses must be approved by the full board in March. Noted that both reports comment on long-standing issues and offered praise for how the Solid Waste Report was constructed.
  • The board approved a motion to acknowledge receipt of these reports and to make appointments as follows:
    • Jill Cox – Mental Health Report
    • Liam Gogan, Heidi Carpenter-Harris – Solid Waste Report


County Administrative Office

6.4 Approve Trinity County Strategic Plan for 2024-2029. No direct fiscal impact.

  • Trent Tuthill | CAO – shared that he and department heads have been working on this and feel good about what is being put forward.
    • Line of Effort – very high level strategic goal
    • Objectives – category within the Line of Effort. These might change every couple years.
    • Key Results – specific goals that support the Objective. These might change every year as progress is made and Key Results are achieved.
    • Values – put forward two additions to previously approved Values
      • SOLUTION ORIENTED – We respect the need to work within rules, regulations, policies, and laws while always taking a solution-oriented approach.
      • ENGAGEMENT – We understand the importance of communicating in a clear and timely manner that builds trust and engagement within the county.
  • Plan Details – presented the plan along with recommended changes based on initial input. This version is slightly different than what is seen in the agenda backup materials.
    • Shared the template used to identify the Team, Action Items, Overall Status, and Success Criteria for each Key Result
    • Also shared the template for identifying how Action Plans align with Key Results – including identification of Milestones, Assistance Needed, Key Accomplishments, etc.
    • 2024 Priorities
      • The board provided input regarding changes to the plan as presented and then came to an agreement on the key results that should be prioritized for 2024. These are the priorities established by the board.
      • Develop a Healthy Community Strategy
      • Develop a strategy to provide access to prompt 911 services in outlying areas
      • Publish the overall county road repair plan on the Department of Transportation website, including the routine annual maintenance plan and multiple-year major storm damage repair plan
      • Develop a coordinated advocacy strategy at the State and Federal levels that leverages BOS involvement and County staff expertise to address County needs and issues
      • Develop a public outreach and engagement strategy to share County accomplishments and challenges regularly, facilitate dialog, and raise awareness, understanding, and a strong sense of community within the County.
      • Form a County economic development team to investigate opportunities that leverage County assets and to recommend priorities. Determine the cost of including a feasibility study as part of the General Plan – Build Team Trinity
      • Ensure the General Plan Update continues on time, on target for quality deliverables, and budget.
      • Develop a housing element to use with our new General Plan and Community Plans.
      • Oversee investment of TOT funds to ensure that Trinity County is effectively promoted as a destination for arts, culture, recreation, and adventure.
      • Develop a Revitalization Strategy for Trinity County
      • Process CEQA-compliant permit applications in a manner that reflects the interests of our community as a whole.
      • Keep the public informed and seek input regarding a fully functioning legal cannabis industry program, including regulations and policies with a view toward safety and effective risk management
      • Develop a plan to build upon the recently established USFS Good Neighbor Authority Agreement coordination and Supplemental Project Agreement(s) (SPA) development / implementation / contract management and reporting
      • Develop a coordinated, cohesive BOS strategy to set clear goals for Trinity County influence over its natural resources and determine possible sources of funding
      • Ensure the voice of Trinity County is accounted for in the CVP re-consultation efforts and TRRP activities
      • Develop a comprehensive staff development plan, including training, succession planning, effective recruiting and compensation practices
      • Establish closed loop process to ensure fines are collected and revenues are realized
      • Upgrade County technology, infrastructure, and use of social media for increased community engagement

Human Resources

6.5 Acknowledge the resignation/retirement of Angela Bickle, Trinity County Auditor-Controller effective April 1, 2024 and direct staff to begin the recruitment process. Approximately $2,500 for the recruitment.

  • The board approved this matter as presented.


7.1 Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation. No. of Cases: One

  • Direction given to staff


7.2 Government Code Section 54954.5(f) – Conference with Labor Negotiators County’s Designated Representatives: Margaret Long, Laila Cassis and Suzie Hawkins Employee Organizations: Deputy Sheriff’s Association and HHS Unit

  • This subject was postponed



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