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This is an executive summary of my efforts on behalf of the county. Each supervisor is asked to provide a verbal update during the board meeting. I am using this template to also submit a (more comprehensive) written update that is available to the public.
- Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, 7.18.23 at 9:00 AM
- Our agenda includes five presentations, 30 items on the Consent Calendar, 7 items under County Matters, and one closed session item.
- One of the presentations is regarding funding for organizations that promote tourism within Trinity County. There is a related agenda item for the board to decide whether to award additional funding to this group to increase efforts to drive tourism.
- Another presentation is related to funding matters. Graham Knaus, CEO of CSAC (California State Association of Counties, will be presenting the case for funding of an initiative that is dedicated to helping rural counties with a large percentage of public lands.
- I was in Yreka last week for a two-day meeting of the NCRP (North Coast Resource Partnership). More details are provided below.
- Airport Advisory Committee
- DOT Director Panos Kokkas has confirmed the timing and location of the first meeting this year of the committee. This meeting will take place on Monday, July 31 from 3 PM to 4 PM in the meeting room of the Redding Rancheria facility in Weaverville.
- Psa II Area Agency On Aging Executive Board
- This group met this morning. I was unable to attend due to a conflict. Supervisor Cox was in attendance to represent Trinity County.
- Trinity County Commission On Aging
- No activity.
- Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association
- This group met on Monday, July 10th. There was some discussion regarding the need for updates to ordinances as it relates to legal use of fireworks.
- California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
- The AT HOME initiative to address homeliness was the major focus of the agenda(s)
- Our board still needs to decide how we will address this request.
- National Center for Public Lands Counties
- Our board still needs to decide how we will address this request. This is the subject of the presentation mentioned above by the CEO of CSAC.
- The AT HOME initiative to address homeliness was the major focus of the agenda(s)
- Northern Rural Training And Employment Consortium (N0RTEC)
- I am continuing my role as chair and facilitator for a new subcommittee. I am meeting with the CEO next week and the subcommittee will be meeting again the first week of August.
- Remote Access Network Board (RAN Board)
- Nothing new to report
- Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD)
- The Executive Director of this organization is involved in ongoing discussions regarding Trinity County’s economic development efforts.
- Sierra Nevada Conservancy
- Nothing to report
Secondary Representative Role
- Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)
- Nothing to report
- Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
- Nothing to report.
- National Association Of Counties (NACO)
- Nothing to report
- North Coast Resource Partnership (NCIRWMP)
- I represented Trinity County in this two-day meeting in Yreka – last Thursday and Friday. I was very impressed with the work being done by this organization and with the manner in which all parties collaborated to achieve the strongest results. I will share a separate update on this meeting in the near future.
- Cannabis Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee
- We recently decided to lengthen the amount of time allocated to preparing proposed updates to our ordinances. This allowed more time for staff to focus on time-sensitive application processing and it ensures that we have ample time to fully consider options.
- Public workshops will likely take place during the later part of 2023 and/or early 2024.
- An email address ( is available for submitting public input. These emails are automatically routed to each member of the ad hoc committee.
- The most recent report I received indicated that we now have 210 active cultivation permits and another 65 that have been noticed. These numbers are likely higher as of today.
- I spent a couple of hours touring a cultivation operation last Saturday. It was very informative.
- Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee
- Work continues on many fronts. I recently shared an economic development update that provides a quick overview of initiatives underway. Here is a link to the update.
- A public workshop focused on Trinity County Economic Development is taking place this Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the meeting room of the Redding Rancheria – Weaverville location. This will be a highly interactive session that I hope has strong attendance.
- The TOT-funded partners are presenting to the board tomorrow morning. They will be making their case for additional funding to support tourism in Trinity County.
- Homeowners Insurance Ad Hoc Committee – Complete
- Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee – Complete
- Cannabis Division Financials Ad Hoc Committee – Complete
- Trinity Lake & River Releases
- The town hall meeting in Trinity Center was very well attended. The next opportunity for input is not open to the public. However, the recently-formed Trinity River Watershed Alliance has been invited to participate in this “interested parties” meeting. This will be an opportunity for designated “interested parties” to weigh in on the best ways to move forward with the management of water coming in and going out of Trinity Lake.
- Frontier Communications Outages
- CAO – Trent Tuthill reports strong progress in addressing long-standing service problems.
- Sheriff Saxon reports that emergency communications have been restored to the areas of the county that had been experiencing challenges ever since dispatch moved to the new jail facility.
- Constituent Concerns
- I recently heard from a number of constituents with concerns. The concerns covered a range of issues including road repairs, environmental health requirements/actions, cannabis-related matters, and more.
- CAO – Trent Tuthill and I were in Coffee Creek yesterday to meet with constituents and we have been in touch today regarding this and other matters.
- Please know that we are committed to finding the best way forward for Trinity County.
- Departmental Budget Reviews
- I invested approximately 30 hours in this process over the last two weeks. It was an informative process that gave me greater insight into the complex manner in which our various departments are funded, the obligations these departments have (by law), and the challenges we face in finding the best way to reduce our preliminary budget by over $6 million.
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD VIDEO RECORDINGS – click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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