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This is an executive summary of my efforts on behalf of the county.  Each supervisor is asked to provide a verbal update during the board meeting.  I am using this template to also submit a (more comprehensive) written update that is available to the public.


  • Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, 6.20.23 at 9:00 AM
  • Our agenda includes six presentations, 27 items on the Consent Calendar, a Public Hearing, six items under County Matters, and one closed session item.
  • Approval of the Preliminary Budget is on this agenda.  As usual, the preliminary budget reflects requests that exceed what we can afford.  We will work together in the coming weeks and months to achieve a balanced budget.  I am scheduled to attend all department budget meetings.


  • Nothing to report


  • Airport Advisory Committee
    • DOT Director Panos Kokkas is updating the committee list and setting a date for our first committee meeting of the year.
  • Trinity County Commission On Aging
    • No activity.
  • Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association
    • We met on Monday, 6.2.23
    • An RFP for Title III funding (used to support fuel management and more) should be available within the next 1-2 weeks.  There is an estimated $250,000 available.  I was asked to put a reminder on the calendar for this so that we can move as quickly as possible to invest these funds.
    • The County-wide training initiative was a big success.
    • Air Rescue Training is scheduled for 6.20.23
  • California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
    • The AT HOME initiative to address homeliness was the major focus of the agenda(s)
      •  Our board still needs to decide how we will address this request.
    • National Center for Public Lands Counties
      •  Our board still needs to decide how we will address this request.
  • Remote Access Network Board (RAN Board)
    • Nothing new to report 

Secondary Representative Role

  • Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)
    • Nothing to report
  • Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
    • Nothing to report.
  • National Association Of Counties (NACO)
    • Nothing to report
  • North Coast Resource Partnership (NCIRWMP)
    •  I am planning to attend their meeting in Yreka in July. The focus is on strategic planning.


  • Cannabis Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee
    • Public workshops are planned to present information regarding the proposed updates.
    • An email address ( is available for submitting public input. These emails are automatically routed to each member of the ad hoc committee.
    • As of last week, we have 169 active cultivation permits.
    • Weekly meetings have been on hold due to focus on application processing as we approach the cut-off dates for cultivators to plant.
  • Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee
    • Work continues on many fronts.  I shared an economic development update today that provides a quick overview of initiatives underway.  Here is a link to the update.
    • On 6.28.23, I will be representing Nick Goulette (Executive Director – Watershed Research & Training Center) at a steering committee meeting regarding the process for allocating CERF (Community Economic Resilience Fund) funding.
    • The TOT-funded partners continue their efforts to collaborate for greater impact.  I will make a request on their behalf when the board reviews proposals for use of special funding.
  • Homeowners Insurance Ad Hoc Committee  – Complete
  • Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee – Complete
  • Cannabis Division Financials Ad Hoc Committee – Complete


  • Trinity Lake & River Releases
    • Work continues on several fronts. The board agenda includes a letter to the BOR regarding this matter.
    • I will be hosting a town hall meeting on this subject in Trinity Center from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the IOOF Hall.  CAO – Trent Tuthill will be joining me.
  • Frontier Communications Outages
    • CAO – Trent Tuthill is now working with executives and we appear to be making progress.

BOARD AGENDA & MINUTESclick here to access current and past agendas and minutes.  Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.

BOARD VIDEO RECORDINGSclick here to access video recordings of board meetings.

I hope you find these updates of value.  Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.


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