Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
We have a lot on the schedule next week – County Budget Hearing, Cannabis Ordinance Public Workshops, and more. Brief summaries and relevant links are provided below.
Senator McGuire will be visiting Trinity County next week. In addition to meetings with individuals and small groups, he will be making an announcement at our Veterans Memorial Hall on October 24th at 4:00 PM. I look forward to the announcement and to the opportunity to share matters of interest with him during a one-on-one discussion earlier that day.
The board met earlier this week for a regularly scheduled meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7th. All regularly scheduled meetings start at 9:00 AM. Members of the public can attend in person participate via Zoom or watch on youtube. Click here to review the notes I took regarding the 10.17.2023 Board of Supervisors meeting.
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD VIDEO RECORDINGS – click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
Work continues on proposed updates to our cannabis ordinances. We currently have 10 separate ordinances. In addition to working to consolidate these into one ordinance, we are working to address inconsistencies and opportunities for improvement that have been identified through program implementation and public input.
The Cannabis Ordinance Update Ad Hoc Committee has invested 11 hours (so far) reviewing public input received via the public workshops, emails, and comment cards. We are nearing completion of this part of the process. The next step will be for staff to create a 2nd version of proposed updates for the Ad Hoc Committee to review.
CAO Trent Tuthill recently announced that we will be adding more time for public engagement – including an opportunity for the public to provide input on the 2nd version before it goes to the Planning Commission. He also announced that changes were being made to meet a settlement-related commitment regarding stacking of certain types of cultivation licenses. This matter will be brought separately to the Planning Commission in November. You can read the CAO’s statement via the link provided above to notes from this weeks board meeting.
As part of the county’s commitment to enhanced communications, CAO Tuthill invited the public to subscribe to email updates regarding important county matters. There is a section on the left side of the home page that provides a simple process for subscribing. Click here to access the Trinity County website’s home page. I encourage everyone who is interested in county matters to subscribe. This way, you will be notified whenever new items of interest are posted to the website.
I learned today that I have been appointed to NACO’s (National Association of Counties) steering committee for Telecommunications & Technology. This will provide an opportunity for our voice to be heard when decisions are being made regarding Telecommunications and Technology policies, regulations, and funding opportunities.
This role involves monthly meetings and attendance at the semi-annual meetings of NACO. I will share more information as it becomes available.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions. You can keep up with board-related matters using the link below.
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