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This special board meeting was dedicated to interviewing candidates for Trinity County Auditor/Controller. Since this is an elected position, the Board of Supervisors is responsible for selecting the individual who will fill the role until the next election.
Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.
Human Resources
1.1 Conduct oral interviews of two (2) candidates to fill the Auditor/Controller position for the unexpired term ending December 31, 2026. No fiscal impact.
Public Comment
- Terri McBrayer spoke in support of Christine, noting strong teamwork, … She emphasized the importance of continuity in processes, Christine’s knowledge, and understanding of county operations, etc.
- The board interviewed one external candidate (via zoom) and one internal candidate (in person).
- Supervisors shared responsibility for asking questions from a list prepared in advance.
- Supervisors were asked to rate each candidate using a template prepared in advance.
Board Discussion
- After the interviews, Supervisors shared the results of their scoring and discussed the two candidates.
- The board voted unanimously to move forward with the internal candidate – Christine Gaffney, who is currently serving as our Assistant Auditor/Controller-Accountant.
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