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This special meeting was focused on the Canyon Creek Rd rock slide.  I was unable to attend as I was in Anaheim for the New Supervisor Institute.  My notes are from watching the recording of this meeting.

Please understand that this is not meant to be a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions that took place.


  • Initial work on the original slide was budgeted at $150,000+… this included efforts to stabilize the face of the slope
  • This work was not complete before the more recent slide that is much worse than the initial one
  • Discussed this project with CAL OES
  • The storm that this slide is associated with is not declared a national storm so no FEMA funding is available
    • If it had been, the county’s portion of the project would be limited to 7%
    • Without the national funding, the county’s portion is 25%
  • Initial estimates for the project are $4 million… our portion would be $1 million
  • Using existing transportation funding would dramatically limit funding available for planned maintenance, repair, etc.
  • Because this is considered an active slide, the road is officially closed
  • Some people are still using the road as it is the only way in and out of the area beyond the slide.  People traveling on this (closed) road do so at their own risk
  • The trails normally accessible by Canyon Creek Road are the most highly used trails in the Alps
  • $75,000 projected to cover removal of the excavator that is now partially buried in the slide.
    • Some discussion about whether the county should be financially responsible for the removal of the contractors equipment.  A representative for the contractor addressed this in his comments.
  • The $4 million initial estimate is likely a best-case scenario for the proposed project

Public Comment

    • Representative of the contractor
      • The contractor is responsible for cost of removing their equipment
      • The $75,000 is for increased costs associated with removal of increased material
      • Design/Solution Options were presented.
        • This update took place approximately 45 minutes into the recording
        • Lowest cost solutions = highest risk over time
        • Mesh system incorporates anchors 10′ to 30′ deep
        • Low pressure grouting of some cracks can be done to prevent water from entering, expanding and causing additional slides
        • Multiple options presented in their proposal
        • A Safety Factor rating of 1.1 is based on pseudo static conditions… meaning it accounts for the potential of seismic activity.  This would equate to Safety Factor rating of 1.5 (desired) for static conditions. Both are desired ranges.
    • Residents joined via zoom at one location and took turns speaking
      • Concern raised about the lack of clear communication from the county
      • Concern raised that there should be a greater sense of urgency… including for the removal of the excavator to prevent environmental damage.
      • 49 people live in this area.
        • Running low on medications
        • Can’t get kids to school
        • No mail service
        • Need basics… propane, food, etc.
      • Appreciation conveyed for support by road crews in the past
      • Reaching out to State officials to create awareness and generate support
      • Encouraged leaders to come see this situation in person
  • Discussion about interim steps that could be taken to allow for safe passage
    • Materials are readily available, crews (somewhat) on standby
    • Estimated 30 to 40 day process – start to finish
    • Can have personnel available to allow traffic during this process
    • Contractor has done a lot of this kind of emergency work
  • BOS asked CAO to lead efforts in finding additional sources of funding to cover the county’s portion of project fees
    • The USFS has not yet stepped forward to offer support
  • BOS voted to approve the permanent solution.

I hope these notes are helpful in your efforts to stay informed about county matters.  For a more comprehensive understanding of what took place…

You can watch any portion of the meeting on YouTube with this link. 

You can access the board agenda (including links to related documents) with this link.


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