Today is the day.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022, is the last day for the public to submit written comments in advance of the upcoming workshop regarding Cannabis “Opt-Out” Regulations.
In my January 22nd Cannabis Update, I shared information about ongoing cannabis-related Adhoc meetings and plans to develop new cannabis-related ordinances that would address the temporary “opt-out” ordinances in place in several parts of the County. An important milestone in this process is a Planning Commission Workshop that is scheduled for February 24, 2022, at the Trinity County Library Conference Room.
The format of this workshop is unclear at this point. What is clear is the deadline for submission of written comments by the public. The Public Notice in last week’s Journal stated – “Written comments must be received by the close of business on February 16, 2022, or they may not be considered by the Commission.”
In a recent (informal opinion) survey, respondents rated cannabis-related issues as one of the most important priorities for our County. From comments received via the survey and those shared during my meetings with residents, it is clear that this is a hot topic for many in the County.
Wherever you stand on this matter, I encourage you to share your thoughts with the Planning Commissioners today. You can email your comments to:
Here are some links to additional information that you might find useful:
- This link will take you to a document with a little more information about “opt-out” related matters.
- This link will take you to the Planning section of
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