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I recently attended the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) meeting in Alameda County, and want to share information I gathered during a workshop focused on fire insurance.
United Policy Holders: Advocacy in Action One organization that caught my attention is United Policy Holders, a 501c3 dedicated to consumer advocacy in insurance matters. They appear to be a great resource for us. From free webinars guiding us on how to navigate the insurance market to their Roadmap to Recovery Program. They are using survey information to help inform and guide their efforts. You can share your information (and help them help us) by taking their survey. Here is the link – They also shared that homeowners using the Fair Plan can purchase a “difference in conditions” policy to fill in the blanks left by the Fair Plan policy. Click this link to learn more about United Policy Holders.
Navigating Insurance Challenges: Unveiling the Landscape Understanding the insurance landscape is crucial, and the meeting shed light on the challenges we face. Catastrophic losses, particularly the alarming frequency of wildfires, have hit California hard. Shockingly, eight out of the top 10 costliest wildfires occurred here in California. Of these 10 catastrophic fires, 9 occurred since 2017 – wiping out all financial gains for insurance companies from the past 26 years. The hyper-inflation effect, with a 30% increase in home-related cost drivers since 2020, has further complicated matters, especially for insurance companies in California which are facing a 6.1% loss versus the national average of 4.2% profit. I was surprised to learn that California is currently ranked number 17 among all states for the average cost of homeowner’s insurance premiums.
The Overwhelmed Fair Plan: Seeking Solutions The Fair Plan, our safety net in times of crisis, is currently overwhelmed. It was simply never meant to handle this volume of coverage. This is compounded by outdated regulations that fail to account for the impact of climate change. The fair plan is closing in on 300,000 policyholders and $300 billion in asset value.
A Glimpse into the Future: California’s Sustainable Insurance Strategy Despite these challenges, the meeting showcased a beacon of hope – California’s Sustainable Insurance Strategy. Strong alignment and collaboration among all parties have set the stage for transformative action. However, there’s much work to be done. The need for increased action at the State and Federal levels is evident. Reinsurance, a comprehensive disaster plan, better forest management, increased funding for home hardening (with support from the Insurance Commission for local grant applications), and contemplated Federal Tax Code changes are all on the table. December 2024 is our target date for comprehensive changes under the guidance of the Insurance Commission.
Key Takeaways – The significant changes needed to address this situation won’t come overnight. I do believe that State, County, and industry leaders understand both the significance and the urgency of solving this problem. When it comes to solving this problem, we can’t rely solely on others to solve this problem… and we are not. We are blessed here in Trinity County to have strong support from many great organizations that are committed to helping protect us from the dangers of wildfires.
- Trinity County Fire Safe Council
- Fire Wise Communities
- US Forest Service (an increasingly collaborative and productive relationship)
- The Watershed Research and Training Center
- The Trinity County Resource Conservation District
- CalFire (a very strong partner here in Trinity County)
- Our amazing Volunteer Fire Departments
Take Action Now – all Trinity County homeowners can obtain a free assessment (from either the RCD or VFD). You will learn about specific steps you can take to improve the fire safety of your property and home. Click this link to arrange for your free assessment.
Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of serving you.
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