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We had an excellent turnout for the second TCDC-sponsored Economic Development Public Workshop. This update provides an executive summary regarding this gathering.
This meeting was open to the public and promoted in the newspaper and online. I estimate that we had 20 people in attendance. Many of those in attendance had also participated in the first public workshop.
After introductions and informational updates, we invested most of our time together sharing ideas about economic development projects that could benefit Trinity County. We wrapped up the meeting with a focus on important “next steps” that would help ensure continued momentum and success. The link below takes you to a spreadsheet that reflects the results of our time together.
Click here to see the prioritized list of Economic Development Ideas and Suggested Next Steps
We asked participants to “vote” for the projects they thought had the best chance for success… and deserved the most attention at this point. We also asked participants to place their initials on green dots and place them next to projects they are volunteering to support. Finally, we asked participants to place their initials on orange dots and place them next to projects they are volunteering to lead. The first tab of the spreadsheet reflects the results of this exercise.
The “top” ideas (based on number of votes, volunteer leaders, and supporters) at this point are:
- Increase/Improve Lodging
- Cannabis Operation Center
- Made In Trinity or Shop Trinity
- Youth Workforce Development
- Sports Complex
- CD/Veterans Hall Renovation
We wrapped up the meeting with a focus on next steps. The second tab of the document provides a list of suggested next steps. TCDC board members will be meeting to discuss these suggestions. As with all aspects of our economic development collaboration, anyone is welcome to step up to “own” the deliverables on this list.
A key component of “next steps” is nurturing and building momentum around economic development efforts. We now have a strong community of people who are interested in and committed to economic development in Trinity County. This group is open to suggestions, welcomes new community members, and shares optimism in the future of our county.
Click here to see the prioritized list of Economic Development Ideas and Suggested Next Steps
One reason for the timing of these meetings is that significant funding will soon be available to support economic development projects via the CERF initiative. Initial decisions regarding which projects receive CERF support will likely take place later this year. It’s important to note that there are (and will be) other funding sources available to us. We just don’t want to miss out on opportunities related to CERF.
CERF stands for “Community Economic Resilience Fund.” This fund was created to promote a sustainable and equitable recovery from the economic distress of COVID-19 by supporting new plans and strategies to diversify local economies and to develop sustainable industries that create high-quality, broadly accessible jobs for all Californians. The North State region has been allocated up to $5 million in funds for initial support of project planning and development. This will be followed by over $25 million in funds for use in implementing selected projects. Click here to learn more.
TCDC is short for “Trinity County Economic Development Corporation.” This (recently established) organization is committed to supporting the county’s economic development by helping to connect, nurture, facilitate, and (sometimes) execute community improvement strategies. You can reach members of TCDC at TCDC’s objectives for these public workshops include:
- Connecting supporters of economic development in Trinity County;
- Sharing information regarding the CERF initiative;
- Gathering and facilitating the prioritization of projects that could be submitted for funding via CERF or other funding sources;
- Curating a strong collection of economic development project ideas
During the workshop, we discussed a feeling of momentum building here in Trinity County.
- We have a new County Strategic Plan, a new Placemaking Action Plan, and a new County Administration Officer, a new Community Development Corporation, and a strong group of community leaders who are stepping up in support of economic development.
- Our new General Plan is under development.
- Our Visitor Center has a new/better home.
- Organizations dedicated to increasing tourism have unified for more significant impact and recently received a 400+% increase in funding to support their efforts.
- With the support of the Trinity County Arts Council, members of our communities were successful in winning $675,000 in grant funding.
- A process is underway to create new rules for the management of water coming in and going out of Trinity Lake. This could lead to a positive impact on our economy.
- The Trinity County Cannabis Program now has over 215 active cultivation permits and an active retail operation. The rough estimate of additional revenues flowing into our communities through these cannabis-related businesses is over $40 million per year.
I hope you enjoy these economic development updates. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions. You can keep up with board-related matters using the link below.
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – Click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – Work is underway to get caught up with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD VIDEO RECORDINGS – Click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
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