Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
This is an executive summary of my efforts on behalf of the county. Each supervisor is asked to provide a verbal update during the board meeting. I am using this template to also submit a (more comprehensive) written update that is available to the public.
- None to report.
Primary Representative Role
- Airport Advisory Committee
- Working with DOT to schedule our first meeting of the year.
- Connecting with residents regarding ideas, issues, and concerns.
- Psa II Area Agency On Aging Executive Board
- Meeting Monday, 3.20.23 via Zoom
- Trinity County Commission On Aging
- No activity.
- Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association
- Meeting 3.13.23
- CalFire provided updates regarding updates to Fire Hazard Maps
- Here is a link to view the updated maps.
- AB38 – covered new requirements for a property seller to complete inspections focused on defensible space and home hardening.
- CalTrans provided updates regarding safety when working near gas lines, etc.
- California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
- Legislative Conference on 4.12-13.23 | Sacramento
- CSAC Board Meeting on 4.13.23 | Sacramento
- Northern Rural Training And Employment Consortium (NORTEC)
- Board Meeting 4.27.23
- Remote Access Network Board (RAN Board)
- Nothing to report
- Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD)
- Requested and received details regarding plans, priorities and Trinity County-focused initiatives.
- Sierra Nevada Conservancy
- I was appointed as the primary representative during the last board meeting
- Nothing further to report at this point.
Secondary Representative Role
- Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)
- Nothing to report
- Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
- Nothing to report.
- National Association Of Counties (NACO)
- Nothing to report
- North Coast Resource Partnership (NCIRWMP)
- Received a note from the representative. Arranging introductions and updates.
- Liaison to Staff Committee – Cannabis Financials
- This matter is on the agenda for the upcoming board meeting.
- The Cannabis Division needs just under $1,000,000 in funding from the General Fund to support their licensing/permitting efforts during this time period in which all cultivators were required to cease operations until approved in accordance with the settlement agreement.
- The board will consider several options for awarding these funds – including transfer of building assets from the Cannabis Division to the County, treating funds as an advance to be repaid, etc.
- The material presented will show that the net financial impact of this program has been a net positive (outside of economic impact) in the past and will be again next year as approved cultivators are once again able to operate (and pay fees, taxes, etc).
- Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee
- Working with Interim CAO – Liz Hamilton, Chair Cox, and members of staff leadership who stepped up to complete the strategic planning process.
- The plan and process will be handed off to the new CAO when he arrives in April
- Cannabis Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee
- Assigned to this committee (along with Supervisor Frasier) to work with staff and consultants on updates to existing cannabis-related ordinances.
- Work has been underway and first drafts are expected soon.
- Two public workshops are planned to present information regarding the proposed updates. These will take place before this matter is brought before the board for consideration.
- Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee
- Working with Chair Cox, and a newly established Economic Development Workgroup on the development of a cohesive public/private economic development plan.
- CERF – Initial focus has been on initiatives that might qualify for a share of $5Million in planning dollars that have been awarded to our North State Region through the CERF (Community Economic Resilience Fund) Program.
- Siskiyou Economic Development Council – gathering information regarding the formation and impact of this nonprofit organization.
- UC Cooperative Extension – gathering information regarding this organization and its ability to assist us with Economic Impact Studies.
- Representative will present to the board during this upcoming meeting.
- Civitas Advisors – gathering information regarding this organization’s role in setting up and supporting organizations like Siskiyou EDC.
- Key Deliverables – working with the economic development workgroup to identify key deliverables for 2023 and 2024. This will include community outreach.
- California Creative Corps – participated (through invitation by the Trinity County Arts Council) in a “listening tour” regarding an initiative with the goal of job creation and infrastructure development that brings the arts and creative sector into service in their community to support outreach, awareness, and solutions to issues related to public health, water and energy conservation, climate mitigation, and emergency preparedness and relief. Here is a link to more information about this program –
- Local Expertise – met with NorCal economic development expert regarding her experience with the support of entrepreneurs and economic development. Currently discussing ways in which we might leverage her experience on behalf of Trinity County
- Bob Burris | Deputy Chief Economic Development Officer at Rural County Representatives of California – met (with Chair Cox) to learn more about how he (and his network) can assist with Trinity County’s economic development plans.
- UC Cooperative Extension – gathering information regarding this organization and its ability to assist us with Economic Impact Studies.
- Appointments:
- Trinity County Airport Advisory Committee | Lyn Scott
- Trinity County Planning Commission | Carol Fall
- Trinity County Fair Association Board | Marjie Watkins
- Training
- Appeals Training – currently working on training required for this aspect of my role
- Trinity County Fair Board
- I attended the board meeting held in Weaverville last week – my first.
- There are a lot of moving parts involved in planning, and running this event.
- The board worked together very effectively and efficiently. My thanks again to Marjie Watkins for representing District 1 on this board.
- Snow Maintenance for Volunteer Fire Departments
- Scheduled for the first board meeting in April
- It appears that we have a solution in place – coordinating discussions between Staff & VFDs
- Contracting Policy for prior employees
- CAO Onboarding Plan
- Cannabis Finances
- Strategic Plan
- Investment Plan for LATCF funds – Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund – Treasury › policy-issues › coronavirus
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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