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This is an executive summary of my efforts on behalf of the county.  Each supervisor is asked to provide a verbal update during the board meeting.  I am using this template to also submit a written update that becomes part of the backup material for each meeting.


  • Chico, CA | Annual Economic Forecast Conference | January 12, 2023


Primary Representative Role – for these committees, I am the lead representative for Trinity County

  • Airport Advisory Committee
  • Psa II Area Agency On Aging Executive Board
  • Trinity County Commission On Aging
  • Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association
    • Meeting held on 1.9.23
    • Work underway to make the most of funding recently authorized by the BOS.
    • Most notable issue is ongoing problems with dispatch-related communications issues. Several Volunteer Fire Departments are reporting problems with receiving/responding to dispatch alerts.  The worst-hit area appears to be Down River. Sheriff Saxon is working with OES and vendors to re-establish a direct line to the top of Oregon Mountain.
    • Meetings are scheduled at 6 PM on the second Monday of each month.
  • California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
  • Northern Rural Training And Employment Consortium (NORTEC)
  • Remote Access Network Board (RAN Board)
  • Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD)

Secondary Representative Role – for these committees, I am the supporting representative for Trinity County

  • Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)
  • Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
  • National Association Of Counties (NACO)
  • North Coast Resource Partnership (NCIRWMP)

Ad Hoc Committee Role

  • Cannabis Staff Financial Oversight and Support | 1/3/22 – 1/18/22
    • Working with Cannabis Department, Letty Garza, Suzie Hawkins
    • Reviewing budget and forecast details
    • Establishing Key Assumptions that drive Cannabis Department financials
    • Establishing a four-year view of Key Assumption-related trends
    • Establishing a four-year view of financials – based on Key Assumption trends
    • Presentation to be delivered to board during the second board meeting of February

Disaster Council

  • Sat in for Chair Cox.
  • Most notable item – flooding near Garrett Road in Hyampom is overflowing and damaging the road. Like Canyon Creek Rd, there are residents with only one way in and out of this area.


  • New Supervisor Onboarding – created an online survey that was sent (by representatives of the New Supervisor Institute) to all newly elected supervisors. Results of the survey and a proposed template for an enhanced onboarding process were shared with the Institute, all respondents, and Interim CAO – Letty Garza.
  • Strategic Plan – working with Interim CAO – Letty Garza and Chair Cox to assist with ongoing strategic planning efforts until the new CAO is onboard and up-to-speed. A presentation regarding this matter is included in backup materials for this agenda.
  • Economic Development – working with Letty Garza, Supervisor Cox, and a newly established Economic Development Workgroup to begin the development of a cohesive public/private economic development plan.
    • The initial focus has been on initiatives that might qualify for a share of $5Million in planning dollars that have been awarded to our North State Region through the CERF (Community Economic Resilience Fund) Program.
    • Here is a link to more information about CERF –
  • California Creative Corps – participated (through invitation by the Trinity County Arts Council) in a “listening tour” regarding an initiative with the goal of job creation and infrastructure development that brings the arts and creative sector into service in their community to support outreach, awareness, and solutions to issues related to public health, water, and energy conservation, climate mitigation, and emergency preparedness and relief. Here is a link to more information about this program –


    • Trinity County Fair Association Board – Marjie Watkins has agreed to stay on as a District 1 member of the Trinity County Fair Association Board. Here is a link to more information about this organization –
    • Trinity County Airport Advisory Committee –Lyn Scott has agreed to stay as a District 1 representative to this committee. Here is a link to more information about our Airports and the Committee –
  • Training – completed one day of in-person training and 5 hours of virtual training through the New Supervisor Institute. The next session will be in Sacramento on February 23rd and 24th

Proposed Agenda Items:

  • Appointment Confirmations
    • Confirm continued appointment of Carol Fall (District 1) to the Trinity County Planning Commission to serve a term concurrent with that of Supervisor Leutwyler
    • Confirm continued appointment of Marjie Watkins (District 1) to the Trinity County Fair Association Board to serve a term concurrent with that of Supervisor Leutwyler


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