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This special meeting of the board was dedicated to the review/approval of this fiscal year’s budget.

Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.


These items include non-routine, or controversial matters and are listed alphabetically by department. A member of the Board or Staff may request that an item be heard out of order.

County Administrative Office

1.1 Adopt a resolution which adopts the final budget for fiscal year 23/24.  $151,444,249

  • CAO Tuthill introduced the subject with highlights regarding small changes made at the Board’s direction during our last meeting.
    • We reduced the shortfall for the Animal Shelter to less than $10,000.
    • Indicated that this should be sufficient funding to keep the shelter open for the duration of the year

Questions from Board

  • What is the total funding for the Animal Shelter this year vs. last year?
    • Last Year – $315,876 actual
    • This Year – $369,000 + adjustments made since our meeting on Tuesday.
    • The total amount budgeted for this year is $50,000 more than last year’s actuals.


  • What is the total amount funded by Discretionary General Funds for the Sheriff’s Department this year vs. last year?
    • Last Year – $6,612,381
    • This Year Requested – $7,943,298
    • This Year Funded – $6,583,173
  • How many other departments requested headcount that was not approved?
    • 8
  • How many positions were not funded in these other departments?
    • 8.15
  • What is the difference in the number of positions funded this year via last year for the Sheriff’s Department and Animal Shelter?
    • Last Year Funded – 54.5
    • Last Year’s Average Filled – 47.8
    • This Year Funded – 47.8.
      • This will increase to 48.5 with planned budget adjustment addressing Animal Shelter
      • This year’s number matches the average staffing level for last year and the end-of-year staffing level for last year.
      • Actual funding for salaries for this year is similar to actual expenses for last year.


  • Shared that she had confirmed with the Sheriff that sufficient funding is now available to keep the shelter open all year.
  • Shared that TASA provides significant funding and volunteer support to the shelter.
  • Thanked Health & Human Services for their financial support of the shelter… and for the board and staff for working together to find the funds necessary to keep the shelter open
  • Appreciation was shared for our financial staff and for the board and staff’s work to find funds to keep the shelter open.
  • Shared concern about the “massive stray pet population” in Trinity County.  Offered that our stray animal problem is a human-caused problem… so we need to be a part of the solution.
  • Shared that she has adopted 4 animals and helped place others.  Shared that there is a need for a larger shelter.
  • Shared concern that our consultant has “given up” on recommending ways to increase revenues.  Shared support for the approach of taking a more strategic approach to finding ways to increase revenues and create efficiencies. Noted that a 2% increase in property taxes would generate $600,000 to help the Library, Animal Shelter, and more.
  • Shared concerns about additional requirements placed on cannabis-related businesses.
  • Shared that our Shelter is understaffed and not large enough to effectively address our current problems with stray animals.
  • Requested a document that helps explain how funds move through the Sheriff’s Department to the Animal Shelter, etc.
  • Statement that homeschooled children will appreciate efforts to keep the Library open… and encouraged the board to keep it open
  • Shared concerns about statements made in a previous meeting about plans to close the Shelter.  Noted that, while we make every effort to not euthanize animals, our shelter is not a “no-kill” shelter.
  • Shared view that volunteer fire departments should be funded like we fund the Sheriff’s department
  • Shared that historical county efforts have limited revenue from the cannabis industry that could help with these problems
  • Shared appreciation for efforts that led to Shelter being funded throughout the year.
  • Suggestion for the board to make another attempt for increased sales tax.
  • Shared concern that backup material did not include case law supporting our approach of funding code enforcement through cannabis program revenues.


The board approved the budget as presented – with the understanding that an upcoming agenda will include an item to add the funding discussed today regarding the Animal Shelter.


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