Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
This board meeting included two presentations and a number of important decisions.
Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. You will notice some references to time in the notes. These are provided to help those who would like to watch the portion of the recording being referenced in the notes. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.
Clerk of the Board
1.1 Receive an update from U.S. Forest Service representatives regarding matters of interest in Trinity County.
- Ben Sendall | Deputy District Ranger
- Carville Fire contained at 1/4 acre
- Contractors and resources from other units in the area to support our efforts
- Fall Open House Meetings will include updates on Summer Projects
- Sweepstakes Trail – ribbon cutting ceremony
- Bill Pott Campground moving back to normal day camp status
- Hiring – efforts to continue to fill all the additional positions funded this year
- Participated in the tour with Congressman Huffman – reviewing work to be done and recently completed
- Partners Event – very well attended, with close to 180 participants.
Planning and Zoning
1.2 Receive a presentation from Mintier Harnish on the Vision and Guiding Principles portion of the General Plan Update. (9:20 AM and 9:42 – due to technical difficulties)
- CAO | Trent Tuthill – introduced representatives from the consulting group leading this initiative on our behalf
- Brent & Jim | Mintier Harnish
- Input from Board and Planning Commission provided today will be incorporated into what is presented for formal decision by the board in the future
- Streamlining – This initiative will include a review of our ordinances in an effort to streamline processes involved with land development, building, etc.
- Community Vision/Plans – An interactive survey is designed to gather input from constituents to define/describe the boundaries that they believe best reflect the area included in their communities. 150 survey responses to date. Open for another 2 to 3 weeks.
- Participation in Community Plan Meetings has varied a great deal. Post Mountain had very low representation. Hyampom had a very high representation.
- Lake County divided the county into 8 areas… and created area plans. No one, right way to approach “community plans”
- The more cohesive a community is (in their views of the community, the vision, etc.), the more there is to work with in building community plans
- September 6 board meeting will include survey results and related board decisions. This will include defining the official boundaries (from a general plan standpoint) and determining which communities will receive community plans
- Policy Document – estimated this will be available next Spring.
- Final Adoption anticipated Summer of 2025
- Vision – Jim Harnish shared the criteria for a good vision statement and the process for gathering input for the vision statement content shared today. Community input played a critical role in this process.
- Chair Cox provided a report on the prior closed session.
- A request was made for a little more time for people to review the agenda since there were technical difficulties.
- Chair Cox responded by providing a 10-minute break.
2.1 I. Report from Department Heads – none
II. Report from County Administrative Officer (10:57 AM)
- Working to improve working conditions for solid waste transfer station locations
- July 25 Interested Parties Meeting regarding water matters – the board approved alternative was recognized as another alternative to be considered in the process
- Risk Management – passed our annual audit at 91%… this performance level helped us qualify for additional funds
III. Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors
District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
- Out-of-county travel
- In Anderson yesterday to facilitate an ad hoc committee session regarding
- In Sacramento last week for the final session of the New Supervisor Institute
- In Sacramento later this month for the CSAC Board Meeting
- Airport Advisory Committee – first meeting of the year held this week. Focused on security and other priorities as shared by DOT leadership and meeting participants. Need representatives from each district.
- Congressman Huffman – joined him for several sessions. He shared that he felt more momentum and positive energy during this visit than in past visits to Trinity County.
District 2 | Jill Cox
- Economic Development Public Workshop – attended this first meeting
- PG&E – met with PIO for updates regarding
- USFS Good Neighbor Authority – signed this during the USFS Partners Event
- North State County Input to Secretary for CAL EPA. She connected with her office to open the dialogue regarding how decisions impact economies in areas like ours.
District 3 | Liam Gogan
- Congressman Huffman shared a letter regarding water matters that supported our position. Also discussed was the sports track, etc.
- Fish & Game Commission – struggling at this time. Need commission members and a secretary.
District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- Congressman Huffman discussions around lake levels, river flows, etc. Felt there was alignment with our position. Participated in the tour with USFS described above.
- Tribal Recognition – spoke about efforts to achieve federal recognition by several tribes in Trinity County
- NACO – represented Trinity County in Austin for this national gathering of county leaders. Focused on mental health, drug abuse, and natural resources. Will work with CAO to share information and network connections that may help us in the future.
- Western Region Caucus – represented us in this session as well.
- CSAC New Supervisor Institute – met with CSAC “partners” who may be able to help us.
- Offered thanks for work to address Burnt Ranch Solid Waste working conditions
District 5 | Dan Frasier
- Attended Colusa – Glenn – Trinity Community Action Partnership Meeting. Trinity County has two vacancies on this board. Applications are welcomed.
- Low-income water assistance program was discontinued due to lack of interest/use. There was discussion about sharing our funding with other counties since we aren’t using it.
- This organization is behind on the weatherization initiative due to staffing limitations.
- Hayfork lost its burn barrel exemption due to a more dense population (based on the last census).
- Wood Stove Grant Funding was mentioned.
IV. Reports from Ad Hocs:
A. Trinity County Water
- Covered by other updates
- Trinity County is actively participating in the process that will establish new rules by which decisions about water management are made.
B. Cannabis Ordinance
- Meetings continue as we prepare recommendations for updates to our ordinances.
C. Economic Development
- Our first Public Workshop had 30 to 40 participants. We gathered and prioritized project ideas. We are meeting again on 8.9.23 in the board chambers from 5:30 PM TO 7:30 PM. Our initial priority is preparing for CERF funding opportunities.
- Congressman Huffman offered support and guided us to potential sources of federal funding.
- Item 3.5 was pulled from the consent calendar. Additional work is needed before this is brought before the board.
- All other items on the consent calendar were approved by the board.
Board of Supervisors
4.1 Discuss and/or provide direction on the appointments of the Northcoast Resource Partnership.
- Liam Gogan and Heidi Carpenter-Harris will continue as primary representatives for this organization. They will also be the ones to take on ad hoc assignments – if they choose to do so. No vote was required on this item.
- I will notify NCRP leadership of this decision
County Administrative Office
4.2 Discuss and/or provide direction to staff regarding the approval of the $96,360 allocation of LATCF funds to join the National Center for Public Lands Counties. $96,360 from Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds.
- This one-time funding supports efforts to obtain more funding from the federal government in the form of payment-in-lieu of taxes.
- The board approved this motion
Human Resources
4.3 Take the following actions regarding the reorganization of the County’s Grants and Housing Division:
Create Special Revenue Fund 118 – Housing; Adopt a resolution delegating signature authority on all active Grants and Housing related agreements and documents; Move two Housing Case Manager Allocations to a Housing Division under Health and Human Services, effective August 1, 2023; and Delete all positions allocated to the Grants Division under County Administrative Officer, effective August 1, 2023.
- Public Comment
- A North Fork Grange representative shared information about the work their organization does and made a request for county support of grant-related efforts to fund projects such as bathroom remodeling. There are two different types of grants and time is running out.
- CAO Tuttle shared that staff is continuing work on these (and other) grants.
- Another comment was offered about grant-related work that continues to need support from the county. Noted that parks and recreation success is tied to their collaboration with the county.
- I shared that the CSAC CEO has put me in touch with individuals who may be able to provide training for grant writing/management. This could be made available to staff, nonprofit representatives, and the public in general.
- The board approved this matter
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – Click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – Work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD VIDEO RECORDINGS – Click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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