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This board meeting wrapped up in record time. There were no presentations, no (general) public comments, and a smaller number of decision items than usual.
Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.
- None
1.1 I. Report from Department Heads
- Liz Hamilton | H&HS
- Offered appreciation and acknowledgment for staff’s creativity, and perseverance in addressing system and process challenges that arose from recent technology challenges.
I I. Report from County Administrative Officer | Trent Tuthill
- Our Good Neighbor Authority document was signed in time for the county to benefit from funding this fiscal year.
- The Courthouse Roof project is underway. $200,000 in funding was obtained to offset costs so this amount will now be available for application to other county priorities as determined by future board deliberations.
- Vehicle Abatement – Three RVs abated since the last meeting. This depleted the funds budgeted for this year. Board approval will be required for additional funding if/when additional vehicle abatement needs arise.
- County Employment Recognition Event – Planning is underway with tentative plans for October/November.
- Water Matters – We experienced success in a legal matter related to a matter involving Westlands. CAO Tuthill to provide additional details.
I I I. Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors
District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
- No out-of-county travel
- Fire Chief’s Meeting | 8.14.2023
- Letter of Support coming to revisit decision regarding Snow Maintenance for Volunteer Fire Departments. The board directed staff to prepare this for the next board meeting agenda.
- Letter of Support coming to introduce an ordinance limiting fireworks. The board directed staff to prepare this for the next board meeting agenda – using the input of the Fire Chiefs to guide the development of draft ordinance content.
- This group discussed various requests for Title 3 funds. These are due by 8.31.
- This is an estimate of the timeline for review/approval/allocation of funds:
- 8.31 | Responses due
- 9.19. | BOS Meeting to review submissions, 45-day period begins
- 11.6 | Waiting Period Complete
- 11.7 | BOS Meeting to make the final decision
- 11.21 | Funds Available
- This is an estimate of the timeline for review/approval/allocation of funds:
- The group discussed a unique training opportunity (to take place later this year) involving an intact structure.
- I notified NCRP (North Coast Resource Partnership) of the board’s decision regarding Trinity County’s representation within this organization.
- I shared that work continues with CSAC leaders and local leaders regarding potential Grant-related training. Individuals and organizations who are interested in this kind of support should reach out to me –
- SCED (an economic development organization) Board Meeting is scheduled for this Thursday
- NoRTEC (a workforce development organization) Board Meeting is scheduled for the following Thursday
District 2 | Jill Cox
- Nothing to report
District 3 | Liam Gogan
- NorCal EMS Meeting
- Water Matters – Reconsultation Meeting with co-leads of this process. Also participated in recent Interested Parties Meetings. Trinity County’s recommended alternative was added to the list of those being considered by all parties.
District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- Held meetings with local agencies and department heads to learn more about services, priorities, etc.
- Offered thanks to all the first responders who spent the night following up on potential fires from lightning strikes.
- Encouraged the public to be prepared for fires – go bags, evacuation plans, fuel for generators, etc.
District 5 | Dan Frasier
- Nothing to report
I V. Reports from Ad Hocs:
A. Trinity County Water
- Nothing to report
B. Cannabis Ordinance
- Finalized timeline and FAQs regarding the ordinance update process – both are available on the Cannabis Division website. Click here to review the content.
C. Economic Development
- Participated in the CERF Steering Committee
- The TCDC (a private organization) hosted a 2nd Public Workshop with approximately 20 participants
- Gathered additional ideas, gathered input regarding priorities and level of support, discussed next steps
- Top Projects (based on input)
- Increase/Improve Lodging
- Cannabis Operation Center
- Made in Trinity | Shop Trinity
- Sports Complex
- CD/Veterans Hall Renovation
- The next steps identified reflect the actions that TCDC and local leaders can take to build upon the progress made in workshops
- There was a discussion about the need for enhancements of various County Ordinance/Policy/Processes to support economic development goals. CAO Tuttle, Chair Cox, and Supervisor Leutwyler will be meeting regarding this in the near future.
- Item 2.11 pulled for discussion
- The board approved all other items on the consent calendar.
2.11 Approve an agreement with B Sharp Electrical Contractor to provide the purchase and installation services of a new 80kw generator and 400amp Automatic Transfer Switch. No impact to the General Fund; $92,793 from OES grants including Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) and Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG).
- This provides authority to install an upgraded generator to support the Weaverville Fire Station. The existing generator will be repurposed at another fire station.
- Chair Cox pulled this item and recused herself due to a potential conflict of interest based on the employment of a family member by the contractor selected for this project.
- This item was approved by the board.
Solid Waste
3.1 Conduct a public hearing to receive any objections or protests to the 23/24 Delinquent List for Solid Waste Parcel Fees and adopt a resolution that confirms this list. No impact to the General Fund; any changes made to the report will impact the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.
- Between 15% to 20% of fees end up being added to property taxes via this process. There is a $35 fee for this additional step in collecting fees.
- The board voted to adopt the resolution as presented – with the addition of the supplemental payment list provided during today’s meeting.
Building and Development Services
4.1 Introduce and waive the reading of an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 15.26.40 (D) pertaining to Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permit Streamlining. No impact to the General Fund.
- Supervisors Frasier and Carpenter-Harris raised concerns regarding state overreach.
- Public Comment
- Comments supported Supervisor Frasier’s concern regarding State overreach. Also mentioned was concern about leaving decisions like this to staff (while recognizing the hard work of staff).
- Two motions were made. One to approve as presented. Another to delay consideration, allowing time for Supervisors Frasier and Leutwyler to work with the County Counsel and CAO on documentation that can be shared with individuals and organizations requesting support for our county’s position.
- The board approved the motion to delay consideration and pursue support for our position that the county should retain authority over all land use decisions.
Human Resources
4.2 Pursuant to Trinity County Code Section 2.60.410(A) authorize hiring Candidate No. 54201612 as a Mechanic I at Range T189 Step E in the Department of Transportation. The approximate cost in salary and benefits per month for a Mechanic I at A step is $6,263 and at E step is $7,327.
- Board approval is needed to increase the starting wage based on experience, etc.
- The board approved this matter.
4.3 Pursuant to Trinity County Code Section 2.60.410(A) authorize hiring Candidate No. 52026371 as a Road Maintenance Worker I I at Range T191 Step D in the Department of Transportation. Approximate cost in salary and benefits per month for a Road Maintenance Worker II at A step is $6,366 and at D step is $7,194.
- As above, board approval is needed to increase the starting wage based on experience, etc.
- The board approved this matter.
4.4 Take the following actions retroactively effective July 01, 2023:
1. Approve the amended job description for Senior Financial Analyst at range M244.
2. Update the title of the classification listed on the Salary Schedule & Alphabetical Listing of Classifications from Senior Fiscal Analyst to read Senior Financial Analyst. No fiscal impact.
- The board approved this matter.
4.5 Authorize step increases for permanent part-time employees I D No. 03109 from G142/A to G142/C, I D No. 02134 from G142/B to G142/E, I D No. 02182 from G142/B to G142/E effective July 1, 2023. The approximate cost in salary and benefits per year for each is as follows: ID No. 03109 $1,870, ID No. 02134 $4,226, ID No. 02182 $3,019 for a total of $9,115 in FY 23/24.
- These positions are not part of a bargaining unit. Special approval must be sought to recognize years of service, etc for compensation adjustments like these for part-time positions that are not part of a bargaining unit.
- The board approved this matter.
BOARD AGENDA & MINUTES – Click here to access current and past agendas and minutes. Note – Work is underway to get current with the formal approval and publishing of minutes from board meetings.
BOARD VIDEO RECORDINGS – Click here to access video recordings of board meetings.
I hope you find these updates of value. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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