Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
The first BOS meeting of March included presentations, a proclamation, updates regarding our General Plan, Public Hearings, and more.
Here are the notes I took during the meeting. Please understand that this is not meant to be a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions that took place.
Health and Human Services
1.1 Receive a presentation on the Trinity County Courthouse Concrete Bollard Project.
- Phillip Simi | Manager OES
- Presentation regarding installation of concrete barriers (ballard) to protect against vehicle-borne threats of the Trinity County Courthouse.
- Covered by grant funding
1.2 Adopt a proclamation recognizing March 2023 as Social Work Month.
- Mike Cottone | Dir of OES – brought this matter forward
- Chair Cox read the proclamation that highlighted the critically important role that social workers serve in our communities.
- The board approved the proclamation
Planning and Zoning
1.3 Receive a presentation from Mintier Harnish Consultant about the General Plan Update.
- Ed Prestley | Deputy Director Planning introduced our General Plan consultant team representative – Brent Gibbons
- Mintier Harnish (consulting group) walked through an informative presentation
- Community Plans have been added to the process
- Will update five existing community plans
- Weaverville, Douglas City, Junction City, Hayfork, Lewiston
- Considering additional five community plans
- Hyampom, Downriver, Post Mountain, North Lake (Trinity Center, Coffee Creek, Covington Mill), Southern Trinity (Mad River, Van Dusen, Ruth, Kettenpom, Hettenshaw)
- Community Plans were described as
- robust, detailed plans that leverage information, policies, etc… from the General Plan
- 10-20 pages, chapters/focus will be dependent upon each community’s priorities
- Moving information gathering to support community plans to the front of the process as this will help guide broader General Plan efforts
- The board will make the final decision regarding the five additional community plans under consideration
- Will update five existing community plans
- Focus Groups – separate from community workshops. These are specialized groups based on specific topic areas that will be covered in the General Plan
- Background Report – click here to access this newly released document on the website.
- Highlights existing conditions in Trinity County with chapters on key topics (housing, economic development, etc.)
- Public Review period open until May 5th
- Budget for this project is on track
- Timeline – there were delays that have changed the end date. Now targeting completion end of 2025… except for the online component which will be developed after everything is finalized.
- Will provide an updated graphic with timelines for each phase of the project.
- Community Input gathered is used for:
- Identifying issues, concerns, assets, etc… help them understand the kinds of decisions that need to be made in the plan(s).
- Establishing Vision, guiding principles, etc…
- Example – Hyampom concerns regarding wildfire evacuations become an issue to address through the plan (goals and policies regarding road conditions, evacuation routes, etc.)
- Report Card on our participation
- June meetings had very strong participation… better than urban areas
- November meetings were not as well attended
- Future engagement plans are being adapted to reflect input received.
- Virtual meetings will provide new opportunities for people to participate.
- Each supervisor has been asked to provide locations that could be used for individuals without internet to gather for these virtual meetings.
- Would appreciate help spreading the word regarding workshops, etc.
- Comments shared regarding Cannabis Retail Ordinance and Applications.
- Complimented Bella Hedtke and the applicant on the handling of this discussion.
- Raised some concerns to be addressed.
- Questions raised about focus of (and reason for) the Cannabis Ad Hoc.
- Supervisor Frasier noted that the Ad Hoc will work with the consultants (and staff) on the project to update our ordinances
- Highlighted upcoming events related to small business and organic farming.
- CANIS – provides an 8 week course to help cultivators
2.1 I. Report from Department Heads
- Tim Saxon | Sheriff
- Six River Fire was not declared a state emergency – this means that our extra costs for this emergency will not be covered by State emergency funding
- Emergency Communications – snow has delayed installation of the new lines required to re-establish clear county-wide communication with first responders.
- Shared 2022 Statistics
- I didn’t capture all of these. This took place at around 10:30 AM if you would like to see it on the video recording of the meeting.
- Ruby Fierro | Chief Probation Officer
- Parent Project – a new program that provides a 10 week class to help the parents deal more effectively with issues in the home. Focused on high-risk behaviors. Her team went through specialized training to be able to provide this class in Trinity County.
- A link is available on the website.
- Parent Project – a new program that provides a 10 week class to help the parents deal more effectively with issues in the home. Focused on high-risk behaviors. Her team went through specialized training to be able to provide this class in Trinity County.
- Drew Plebani | Director of Cannabis Division
- 404 Appendix C’s received
- 132 Noticed/Approved
- 6 new approvals anticipated this week
- 88 Paid for/Picked up
- First Retail License Approved/Noticed
- Panos Kokkas | Director DOT
- Shared his update via the DOT website – here is the link…
I I. Report from County Administrative Officer
- PG&E is offering to to meet with staff and supervisors.
- Will bring to full board if individual supervisors indicate that full board attention is appropriate
I I I. Report from Members of the Board of Supervisors
- Supervisor Frasier
- Nothing to report
- Supervisor Gogan
- Update on health-related matters including vaping, dental care, etc.
- Supervisor Carpenter-Harris
- CSAC New Supervisor Institute in Sacramento
- CSAC Board Meeting – attended virtually
- Shared concerns regarding insurance problems that are surfacing due to wildfires
- Asked that this be put an a future agenda
- Supervisor Leutwyler
- CSAC New Supervisor Institute – attended this training session in Sacramento
- SCED – made information request to better understand direction, priorities, success criteria, and past/future impact on Trinity County
- Economic Development – continuing efforts to identify resources and opportunities, fine tune priorities, etc.
- Met with Bob Burris | Deputy Chief Economic Development Officer for the RCRC
- Met with Hope Seth | Economic Development Expert in NorCal area
- Airport Committee
- Working with DOT Director to schedule first meeting of the year.
- Snow Maintenance for VFDs – requested that CAO, County Counsel, and DOT Director work together (and with VFD representatives) to clarify what support is need, how it might happen, etc.
- Margaret Long | County Counsel – offered that she may have discovered a different approach that would not require the VFD’s to sign an MOU.
- Chair Cox
- General Plan Update – attended recent online session. Suggests that other supervisors be invited on a rotating basis
- RCRC Legislative Session
- RCRC Board Meeting
- Economic Development meetings continue
- Bob Burris will be providing direct support to Trinity County
- TOT Funded Partners – met with three of these to-date as part of determining how we can enhance use of TOT funds
- Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee – Chair Cox established this (with herself and Supervisor Leutwyler) to formalize the working relationship
I V. Reports from Ad Hocs:
- A. Good Neighbor Authority – Chair Cox reports that work continues
- B. Strategic Plan – Supervisor Leutwyler reports that work continues with expanded support/involvement of department heads.
- C. Trinity County Water – Nothing to report
- D. Cannabis Ordinance
- Working to establish meeting schedule for staff and Supervisor Frasier & Supervisor Leutwyler
- First meeting scheduled for next week
- Note – staff has been working with a consultant to update the ordinances
V. Cannabis Financial Staff Committee Report – Drew Plebani | Cannabis Division Director
- First draft of spreadsheet and presentation completed
- Meeting tomorrow with Supervisor Leutwyler to review content
- Public Comment – encouragement provided for the youth facilities – including the new all-weather track
- Item 3.8 Pulled for discussion.
- This item is focused on funding for the consultant who helps the county with budget development, etc.
- Supervisor Harris questioned the need for this to be set up for auto-renewal.
- Staff clarified that the agreement has a termination clause and allows for us to simply not schedule time – which means no additional funds are spent.
- Staff confirmed that we should not need to continue paying for fee studies – as we are establishing a process that we can implemented internally.
- The board approved this matter
- The board approved all other items on the consent calendar as well.
Board of Supervisors
4.1.1 Waive the provisions of the governance manual requiring a motion of reconsideration be made durning the same meeting as the item that passed;
- Public Comment – Encouragement provided for reconsidering
- Staff Presentation – information was presented to set the stage for discussion/consideration
- Public Response – raised concerns regarding the information that staff presented… and not having the opportunity to review it prior to this meeting
- The Board approved this item
4.1.2 Discuss and/or approve a motion to reconsider item 6.7 form the January 3, 2023 meeting regarding a planning commission decision appeal on planning file P-22-19;
- The board approved this item
4.1.3 If motion to reconsider is approved, reconsider the Board’s approval on the appeal hearing to upholding, modifying or overturn the Planning Commission’s determination that application P-22-19 was complete with the submittal of vesting deeds and proof of legal access to Parcel C for the submitted exhibit.
- Staff Presentation – recommend that the application be deemed incomplete because it does not meet established requirements
- Public Response – refuted some information presented by staff and shared concerns that county staff were not following state law and working outside code/requirements.
- Staff Response – explained requests and reasons for requests. Indicated that all requests/requirements were in line with established laws, ordinances, and policies.
- Applicant 2nd Response – reaffirmed previous position
- Motion made to deem this LLA application incomplete.
- The board approved this motion
Building and Development Services
4.2 Conduct a public hearing to consider taking the following actions concerning the County Buildings and Construction Ordinance (Title 15).
- 1. Find the adoption and implementation of this ordinance to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), common-sense exemption, which applies to projects where the activity will not result in a significant effect on the environment.
- 2. Introduce and waive the reading of an ordinance establishing Trinity County Code Section 15.26 regarding Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permit Expediting.
- Public Comment – concern raised that ordinance-as-written could put Trinity County business owners at a disadvantage… as similar businesses in other parts of the state would not have to go through a CUP (conditional use permit) process.
- The Board approved and motion that included amendments to define “commercial” and to specify “CUP” as the type of permit required.
Clerk of the Board
5.1 Appoint a primary and an alternate committee members for the Northern Sierra Nevada Conservancy.
- Chair Cox assigned Supervisor Leutwyler as primary and Supervisor Cox as alternate
5.2 Discuss and/or provide direction regrading County response to Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control regarding who will make the determination for Public Convenience or Necessity (PCN) for application for an ABC License.
- The board approved a motion to continue with the BOS being the entity to make decisions regarding ABC licenses.
County Administrative Office
5.3 Introduce and waiving the reading an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 2.64.050 regarding various county fees. Potential increase in revenues in an unknown amount to various county departments.
- This matter was focused on consideration of revised fees for various county services.
- It has been quite a while since fee studies (and related adjustments to fees) took place.
- Fees for county services are to be priced based on cost recovery – meaning that we charge what it costs (overall/on average) to provide the service.
- The board approved the matter as presented.
- Public Comments
- Concerns raised regarding any action that would lead to the approval of a CCL for Sabai Farms location in one of Lewiston’s Opt-Out Areas
I hope these notes are helpful in your efforts to stay informed about county matters. For a more comprehensive understanding of what took place…
- You can watch any portion of the meeting on YouTube with this link.
- You can access the board agenda (including links to related documents) with this link.
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