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The first BOS meeting of February included a number of important items, including a presentation regarding our Department of Transportation, updates, a public hearing for our Regional Transportation Plan, and more. Here are the notes I took during the meeting. Please understand that this is not meant to be a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions that took place.
- Comments shared regarding building permits
- DOT | Panos Kokkas
- General department overview provided regarding DOT – including a slide show
- Highway Bridge Program covers 100% of costs for the replacement of (approved) bridges
- Pre-Covid… 13,375 passengers using transit services
- Five Airports (Trinity Center, Weaverville, Hayfork, Ruth, Hyampom)
- There was a slide showing the relative impact on roads of different types of vehicles.
- 2016-2022 Backlog of disaster-related road damage of 200+ sites… $25,000,000+
- Jan 2023 Initial disaster-related damage of 15 projects and $20,000,000+
- Scheduled CIP $6,300,000
- 52 allocated positions – 10 critical vacancies (Deputy Directory/Engineer, Civil Engineers, Road Maintenance Workers, Transit Drivers)
- Interesting slides regarding Road Funding Formula and Sources
- Financial Squeeze
- The gas tax last increased in 1994.
- The cost of repairs is up 60%
- Electric vehicle use is lowering the amount of gas tax generated
- The lack of personnel limits our efforts beyond financial limitations – meaning, we could achieve a lot more if we could fill the vacant positions within this department.
- Sheriff | Tim Saxon
- Emergency Communications – Frontier Communications has not provided information on timing of project completion
- 6,716 calls for services last year – a breakdown as also provided
- 1,846 Fire & Rescue calls
- 1,701 Incident Reports
- CAO | Liz Hamilton
- Fee schedules will be on the next agenda
- Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- Public meeting in Junction City this week
- Requested that Garret Rd (Hyampom) be on the agenda for next week
- Liam Gogan
- PATH meeting update
- Volunteer Fire Departments – met with leaders of these organizations in his District
- Dan Frasier
- Update regarding committee meetings
- Proposed changes could lead to limitations on prescribed burning
- Elected Secretary for CGT CAP
- Liam Gogan was named the second primary member for this committee
- Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- Ric Leutwyler
- Identified one committee that has not been active for some time
- Other committees not active during this past period
- Here is a link to a more comprehensive written update.
- Ric Leutwyler
- Jill Cox
- Shared ongoing public interest in solutions to snow maintenance for Volunteer Fire Departments
- Broadband efforts continue
- RCRC – they have a strong onboarding process… including the assignment of a mentor
- UC Cooperative Extension – established contact with a new team member who serves Trinity County (among others). He will present to the board in March.
- Sites Reservoir Project representative(s) will present to the board at our next meeting. (1.8 million acre-feet storage)
- Minersville Boat Ramp – the letter needed to move things forward has been delivered
- Water Management Ad Hoc Committee established.
- Liam Gogan, Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- Jill Cox
- Ad Hoc Reports
- Good Neighbor Authority | Jill Cox
- brief update emphasizing strong collaboration by USFS and County Staff involved.
- USFS is taking back input/expectations provided by Trinity County
- Good Neighbor Authority | Jill Cox
- Strategic Plan | Ric Leutwyler
- The leadership team is working with the strategic plan template to flesh out the plan.
- The outputs will include the refinement of deliverables, specific action plans, success criteria, goals, timelines, key dependencies, and more.
- Strategic Plan | Ric Leutwyler
- Cannabis Division Finances | Drew Plebani
- working with Ric Leutwyler on the documentation of assumptions and financial forecast.
- Shared examples of Key Assumptions that are being documented to guide a Financial Forecast
- Estimate $3,000,000 year in tax revenues once the program is fully in place
- Code Enforcement Fines – over $6,000,000 issued… over $3,000,000 received.
- Cannabis Division Finances | Drew Plebani
- Closed Session Report
- Chair Cox provided an update on matters covered during prior closed sessions.
- The board approved the consent calendar as presented
- Regional Transportation Plan
- This marked the end of the year-long process to establish our Regional Transportation Plan.
- A presentation was delivered by the consulting organization that led this process on behalf of Trinity County
- Gathering public input was key to the process – 14 community meetings, 3 BOS meetings, etc.
- 20 year plan includes $672,000,000 proposed for projects
- $270,000,000 shortfall (for the 20 year view)
- Nearer-term initiatives are well funded… the shortfall is for later-term initiatives.
- Information regarding specific projects can be found via the DOT website and the site established for this initiative. Here is a link to this site.
- Public Comment
- Concern was shared that transportation services that support health-related programs are prioritized.
- The board approved the RTP as presented
- Waiver Policy
- the proposed/new policy is designed to establish an updated approach to granting waivers.
- Provides additional authority to the CAO
- Waiver requests above $1,000 would still come to the board
- Direction was provided to Staff for further development of the policy and related procedures.
- This will be brought back to the board for consideration.
- Committee Appointment
- Chair Cox assigned Heidi Carpenter-Harris as the second primary for the North Coast Resource Partnership Committee
- Planning Commissioners
- The board approved the ongoing appointment of Carol Fall as Planning Commissioner for District 1
- The board approved the appointment of Don Ellis as Planning Commissioner for District 4
- Public Comments
- Some comments in support of retaining Commissioner McIntosh
- Solid Waste Hearing Panel
- Environmental Health | Kristi Anderson
- Explained that the code requires the appointment of someone outside the departments of Environmental Health and Solid Waste.
- Chair Cox appointed Dan Frasier as the second primary for this Panel
- Environmental Health | Kristi Anderson
- Fee Waiver Request
- Request for waiver of $2,296 in Building Department fees
- This organization received a waiver of fees in the amount of $10,000+ last year
- The board denied this fee waiver request.
- Modify Allocation for Health and Human Services
- Adding allocation of staff with no impact on the general fund
- The board approved this request
- The first item pulled from the agenda
- An update regarding items covered during the closed session is provided by our Board Chair during the following BOS meeting.
I hope these notes are helpful in your efforts to stay informed about county matters. For a more comprehensive understanding of what took place…
- You can watch any portion of the meeting on YouTube with this link.
- You can access the board agenda (including links to related documents) with this link.
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