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This board meeting included several presentations, and updates from the CAO, Supervisors, and one Ad Hoc Committee. The board made decisions regarding several important matters including the possibility of limited stacking of commercial cannabis cultivation licenses, the selection of the communities that will receive community plans, and the boundaries for these community plans.
Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.
- Chair Cox provided a report out from the most recent closed session of the board.
Board of Supervisors
1.1 Receive an overview of the Draft Northwest CA BLM Integrated Resource Management Plan from Pat Frost.
- A member of the 15-member council that provides input on matters like these
- The management plan is similar to our general plan… and is also quite outdated
- The area covered by this management plan is vast.
- Approximately 900 pages… 90-day review period
- He reached out to several groups that focus on these matters. All three are meeting to review and provide input/comments for our consideration.
- Weaverville Community Forest Board
- Trinity County Fire Safe Council
- Trinity River Watershed Council
- Four alternatives are presented for consideration. The first is to stick with the 1990 plan.
- Alternative D appears to be the best alternative. Balanced, addresses the unique needs of various parts of Trinity County.
- He is hopeful that the three groups mentioned above will address a few items of interest.
- Weaverville Community Forest – The recreational aspect is mentioned and should be supported.
- Watershed on the east side of the county (Grass Valley Creek). Introducing a new designation that could apply to this area… which would bring in extra funding/support.
- Provision that guides Federal efforts related to natural resources. It requires actions to be consistent with local ordinances, policies, etc.
- Propose that we consider endorsing letters put forward by these three groups as well as submitting our letter.
- Pat will connect with David Colbeck to determine the best ways for our Natural Resources Division to participate.
Clerk of the Board
1.2 Receive an update from U.S. Forest Service representatives regarding matters of interest in Trinity County. Tara Jones (9:20 AM)
- 640 acres of prescribed burns so far this year. Approximately 1,000 in total for last season.
- Mentioned several additional areas designated for fuel management
- Timber sales continue
- Hiring efforts continue with some success… including people moving into the county, buying homes, etc
- 25 people hired on the West side alone
- Forestry Technicians – the area they continue to focus upon.
- See dates/locations for upcoming field trips, etc. North…
- Increasing partnerships with local schools – including guest speakers and involving students in implementation efforts.
- Planning efforts continue – Hyampom, Bowerman, and others. These will support project implementation next year.
- Stakeholders (PG&E, TPUD, etc.) meetings will be taking place early next year regarding landscape management
- A new fuel break is planned along 17 Road.
- Will be out with the Trinity County Collaborative on 12.15.2023 to look at the North Trinity County Risk Reduction Initiative. All are welcome to join in.
- Shared that county counsel was not present at the Planning Commission meeting when they heard an item on the agenda related to a prior lawsuit, etc. Suggested that we consider hiring an attorney to ensure better/consistent legal support for the county.
- A concern shared that documentation has not been provided to support the implementation of snow maintenance support for the Volunteer Fire Departments. Note – this was addressed later in the week.
- A concern shared that the Planning Commission needs more support – including administrative support to get recordings posted online, and consistent support of the commission (and staff when preparing for commission matters) by county counsel.
2.1 I. Report from Department Heads
- Several written reports were shared with the board in advance of the meeting. These are all posted on the county website.
II. Report from County Administrative Officer (9:40 AM)
- Water Matters – The California Supreme Court denied Westland’s appeal… which is a big win for us (and for our water rights).
- Cops for Kids – our Probation Department is leading this effort. shared that everyone is invited to drop off toys on 12.16.2023 at the CVS parking lot from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
- Financial System Backbone (One Solution) – we are 16 versions/updates behind and must upgrade since our version will no longer be supported. Efforts are underway to upgrade to the current system. This should be completed early in 2024. There will be some additional costs associated with the upgrade that will be brought to the board in early 2024
- Care Court – ongoing meetings regarding this program… including one with State representatives of the program – providing a rural county perspective.
- Solid Waste – updates have been shared online regarding changes in operations.
- Library – some changes in hours of operations coming during the holidays.
- Employee Recognition – public compliments received for Kristen from the elections department.
- General Services – appreciation offered for the enhancements made to the board chambers. More to come – with rotating art displays from the Highland Art Center, renovation of our podium and Dias, a 4’ x 4’ 3D Trinity County Seal
III. Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors (9:50 AM)
District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
- CSAC – attended throughout the week – including the CSAC Board Meeting
District 2 | Jill Cox
- Trinity First Five – an exceptional candidate accepted the role of executive director
- Highway 299 crosswalk safety – shared an update from CalTrans. One solution is a solar-powered flashing light for crosswalks.
- NorCAL EMS Board – Brook Instiminger (spelling?) appointed to the board
- Trinity County Fire Chief’s Association – $1.5 million in funding for Volunteer Fire Departments provided by Senator McGuire
- Disaster Council – as Chair, she has attended her final meeting. Offered strong recognition and appreciation for the group’s efforts on behalf of Trinity County.
- USFS – joined Tara Jones and Trinity Lumber leadership to discuss ongoing fuels management and timber sales initiatives.
- PSA2 – was not able to attend due to a family emergency. Still looking for someone to take an active role on the advisory board.
- RCRC meeting tomorrow.
District 3 | Liam Gogan
- CSAC – attended throughout the week
- Water Matters – emphasized the importance of the recent “win” that CAO – Trent Tuthill mentioned in his update
District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- CSAC – attended throughout the week
- Highlighted information from the session on homeowners insurance matters. This is a complicated matter and the State is working with providers to address the situation.
- Toured the port as part of a CSAC delegation
- Rural California Committee Meetings – felt that these were productive and informative.
- Salyer Wayside Chapel – celebrated 100 years
District 5 | Dan Frasier
- Attending via Zoom due to travel and may have to leave the meeting early due to travel plans/time zone differences.
- CSAC – attended meetings in Alameda County. Feels that, overall this was a good event.
- Fuel Management – meeting with Kristen Lark, District Ranger, regarding hazard trees in his district.
IV. Reports from Ad Hocs:
A. Cannabis Ordinance
- We met last week to discuss the next steps and an updated timeline. Staff will be extending the timeline to allow sufficient time to work on all the proposed changes resulting from the first round of public meetings. A second round of public workshops is planned with time to incorporate changes before submission to the Planning Commission.
- Cannabis Division staff will be producing an updated timeline that will be shared on the website.
Public Comment
- Request for the board to pull Item 3.14. Shared concerns that we are headed in the wrong direction. Believes this is the wrong use of our resources.
Pulled item 3.16 due to changes that need to be made.
Pulled item 3.14 for discussion.
The board approved the balance of the consent calendar as presented.
3.14 Ratify the Sheriff’s signature on the memorandum of understanding with North State Major Investigation Team (NSMIT) Central Valley California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (CVC HIDTA) to significantly diminish the availability and use of illegal drugs; reduce and prevent violent crimes in the NSMIT’s area of responsibility, and apprehend the responsible offenders, thereby increasing public safety. Unknown fiscal impact.
- Sheriff Saxon was not available for discussion due to prior commitments.
- The board voted to move this matter to the next board meeting under County Matters.
3.16 Ratify the Director of Transportation signatures on the following agreements with PG&E for the use of Weaverville airport during their Wildfire Safety Project: 23-107 duration of 7/1/2023 through 8/1/2023; 23-140 duration of 10/13/2023 through 10/15/2023; and 23-157 duration of 11/2/2023 through 11/12/2023 No impact to the General Fund; revenue received in the amount of $3,600.
- Chair Cox shared changes/corrections…
- The board approved this matter as amended.
4.1 Approve a budget adjustment for FY 23/24 for County Audit – Dept.1101 increasing Services & Supplies by $30,000; and approve a budget adjustment for FY 23/24 for Contingency – Dept. 9901 decreasing provisions for contingency by $30,000. Increase in General Fund appropriations in the amount of $30,000; current Contingency balance is $497,180.
- The board approved this matter as presented
Cannabis (10:22 AM)
4.2 Adopt a resolution authorizing the State of California Cannabis Equity Act Grant Funding. Fiscal Impact Unknown; Equity Grant solicitation for FY23/24 enables the County of Trinity to apply for up to $3,000,000.
- Drew Plebani | Cannabis Division Director
- Changes were made to our submission from last year. Backup materials provide more clarity regarding this matter. Our previous submission was not approved. We made changes to ensure that this year’s submission will be in line with program requirements.
- Public Comment
- Noted that recent legislature decisions ensure ongoing funding of this program. Offered appreciation for staff’s efforts to refine our application and continue pursuit. Encouraged staff to prepare for the requirements associated with the distribution of the funds.
- Offered support for this matter. Applauded approach taken to align with DCC program requirements.
- The board approved this matter as presented.
4.3 Introduce and waive the reading of an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 17.43 pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Regulations. Fiscal Impact Unknown.
- Drew Plebani | Cannabis Division Director
- Provided background regarding the changes proposed in this amendment.
- This amendment focused on the limited introduction of “stacking” for cannabis cultivation licenses in Trinity County. It was brought before the Planning Commission in November.
- Public Comment
- Concerns shared with the approach represented in the amendment. Indicated that the EIR does not support more than one acre of cultivation. Shared concerns that this is based on a response to a lawsuit which could encourage others to sue to get what they want. Encouraged the board to vote against this matter as proposed.
- Shared disappointment that the board would consider settling in this manner… noting that it potentially creates more exposure for the county.
- Shared concern that this does nothing to effectively address stacking for program participants. She shared concerns that her initial Type 3 license has been pending for an extended period. Encouraged the county to address stacking when all other ordinance updates are considered.
- Encouragement was provided for the approach being taken with this amendment. Indicated that the EIR does support the approach represented by this amendment. Noted that consolidation within the industry has its benefits. Encouraged the board to support this matter as presented.
- Shared concern that allowing for more than one-acre conflicts with the EIR. Shared concern that this could lead to more lawsuits. Encouraged the board to vote against this matter.
- Shared concern regarding this “special treatment” for an individual. Suggested that a better approach would be to create a “large” license. Encouraged the board to vote against this matter.
- Shared concerns regarding how many cultivators this would exclude. Encouraged the county to take a more comprehensive approach to stacking. Encouraged the board to vote against this matter.
- Support was provided for previous comments in opposition to this matter. Shared concerns that this would encourage additional litigation – to get special privilege/treatment. Encouraged the board to vote against this matter and to focus on alignment with Proposition 26.
- Urged the board to vote against this matter as presented. Shared concern that this is only designed for one person. Shared concern that the Planning Commission’s consideration of this matter did not reflect independent decision-making. Suggested that this might fix one problem while creating many more. Shared concern that the EIR does not support this approach. Noted that Type 3 licenses are currently capped at 15 licenses… which are all spoken for.
- Board Discussion
- Motion made to deny the matter as presented.
- The County Counsel was asked why nobody was in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting.
- CAO Tuthill clarified that our current contract does not require County Counsel representation at Planning Commission meetings. He also shared that there was a scheduling conflict.
- Concern shared that this does not reflect good land use planning… and noted concerns about how the Planning Commission had to deal with this matter.
- Shared the belief that the board should make decisions that are good for the whole.
- Additional concerns were shared about how this was (apparently) handled by the Planning Commission. In addition to an expectation that they operate independently… encouragement was provided to provide specific recommendations regarding desired changes, etc.
- Concern shared that there could be unknown repercussions from the way this is written… and that additional consideration should be given.
- Encouragement was provided to consider this further before moving forward.
- The board voted to deny this matter as presented.
Clerk of the Board
4.4 Set the Board of Supervisors meeting schedule for calendar year 2024. No fiscal impact.
- There was discussion about changing meeting dates to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (vs. the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays) to avoid conflicts with RCRC meetings in Sacramento.
- A motion was made to approve January meeting dates (3rd and 16th) and then bring the matter of changing from meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays to the board before approving the balance of the meeting schedule.
- The board approved the amended motion.
Human Resources (11:20 AM)
4.5 Change the salary range assigned to the Employment & Training Worker Supervisor classification from M218 to M215 and direct that the salary range reflected on the Alphabetical Listing of Classifications be updated effective December 1, 2023. The approximate cost in salary and benefits per month for an Employment & Training Worker Supervisor at range M218 A step is $9,456, and at range M215 A step is $9,211.
- The board approved this motion as presented.
4.6 Take the following actions regarding classifications within the Human Resources and Risk Management Divisions effective December 1, 2023:
1. Approve revised job descriptions for and change the following classification titles: a. Personnel Technician to Human Resources Technician; b. Personnel Analyst I to Human Resources Analyst I; c. Personnel Analyst II to Human Resources Analyst II; d. Loss Prevention Specialist I to Risk Management Technician I; and e. Loss Prevention Specialist II to Risk Management Technician II;
2. Direct that said changes be made to the Alphabetical Listing of Classifications and the allocation list for the Human Resources Department;
3. Adopt a resolution establishing salary and benefits for Non-Rep General Unit employees;
4. Pursuant to Trinity County Code Section 2.60.360, reclassify Employee ID No. 02485 from a Personnel Analyst I to a Human Resources Analyst I, reclassify Employee ID No. 03219 from a Personnel Analyst I to a Human Resources Analyst I and reclassify Employee ID No. 03270 from a Loss Prevention Specialist I to a Risk Management Technician I. No fiscal impact.
- The board approved this matter as presented.
Planning and Zoning (11:26 AM)
- Ed Prestley | Deputy Director – Community Services Department
- Correction provided regarding minutes/notes from Planning Commission – sharing what will be modified in amended minutes.
- The motion will be changed from “including parcels in the Trinity Center Community Services District” to “approximating the boundaries of the Trinity Center Community Services District.” Also noted is the need to address the difference between “area plan” and “community plan.”
- Correction provided regarding minutes/notes from Planning Commission – sharing what will be modified in amended minutes.
- Brent Gibbons | Mintier Harnish
- Walked through the presentation (which was included in the backup materials for the agenda)
- The first part of the presentation was on Vision & Guiding Principles. (11:30 AM)
- The second part of the presentation was about which communities would receive Community Plans as part of the General Plan update (11:55 AM)
- Break taken from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
- The final part of the presentation was focused on the boundaries for the proposed Community Plans. (1:28 PM)
4.7 Discuss, approve, and/or provide direction based upon the recommendation for which Community Plans should be included as part of the General Plan update. No fiscal impact.
- Public Comment
- A statement was shared that the CSD Board supports the Planning Commission’s recommendations regarding which communities should receive Community Plans. Stated that he/others see the other areas proposed as part of the Trinity Center Community Plan are neighborhoods rather than communities. Observed that most of the proposed Community Plans cover an area of around 15,000 acres.
- A Planning Commissioner stated that the Commission did ask for a Community Plan… not an Area Plan. Believes that there should be uniformity (vs differences) in all neighborhoods included in the Trinity Center Community Plan. Noted that one of these neighborhoods has 13 homes, and one is under the lake. Encouraged the board to support the Commission’s recommendation.
- Board Discussion
- The consultant clarified that census data refers to these “neighborhoods” as communities.
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commissioner’s recommendations – with the clarification that Trinity Center be developed as a Community Plan. (1:28 PM)
4.8 Discuss, approve, and/or provide direction on community boundaries to be used in the development of Community Plans as part of the General Plan Update process. No fiscal impact.
- Douglas City
- The board voted to approve the recommendation for inclusion of the Poker Bar area into the Douglas City area. (2:06 PM)
- Hayfork
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendations with the addition of three census blocks as identified by staff.
- Hyampom
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendations with the addition of three census blocks as identified by staff.
- Junction City
- Public Comment
- Encouragement to support the expansion recommended by the Planning Commission.
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation for an expanded boundary as presented.
- Public Comment
- Lewiston
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation for an expanded boundary as presented.
- Post Mountain
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation for an expanded boundary as presented.
- Weaverville
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation for an expanded boundary as presented.
- Trinity Center
- Public Comment
- Appreciation for patience and support from Ed Prestley and Brent during discussions. Stated that the CSD supports the Commission’s recommendation.
- Explained the reason for not including some parcels (primarily seasonal). Indicated that cutting some census boundaries will not have much of an impact on census data as most of the larger areas proposed to be split are primarily U.S. Forest Land. Asked for clarification regarding the acreage added – as it doesn’t seem to add up.
- Thoughts were shared about potentially including Coffee Creek and referring to this as the North Lake Area Plan.
- Request to move the line to move the boundary so that it excludes a specific parcel for which there are plans for commercial cannabis operations. APN – 007-220-075. 791 Rancheria Road.
- The board voted to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation as presented.
- Public Comment
4.9 Discuss, approve and/or provide direction to staff regarding the revised draft Vision and Guiding Principles for the General Plan. No fiscal impact.
- The board voted to approve Planning Commission recommendations as presented. (11:54 AM)
5.1 Government Code Section 54954.5(b) – Conference with Real Property Negotiators Address: 105 Hawthorn St, Weaverville, Ca 96093 Agency Negotiator: Trent Tuthill and Margaret Long Negotiating party: TBD Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Sale/Payment
5.2 Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation No. of Cases: One
5.3 Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation. Number of cases: one Trinity Indian Creek MHP, et al. v. Candy Hoover, et al. (Trinity County Superior Court Case No. 23 CL067).
5.4 Government Code Section 54956.95 – Liability Claim Claimant: Claim No. TIBZ-600127 ( Employee #: 02164)
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