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This board meeting included updates from the CAO, Supervisors, and Ad Hoc Committees. The board made decisions regarding several matters and provided staff direction regarding a Cannabis Division matter related to credits.
Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions.
- No presentations on this agenda.
- Comments shared in support of the many youth sports events and festivals that took place last week. Highlighted that we have (at minimum) two state-ranked volleyball players. Emphasized the importance of the facilities, events, and volunteers that support these events.
1.1 I. Report from Department Heads
- None
II. Report from County Administrative Officer (9:20)
- CVP Trinity River
- The County submitted comments yesterday (basically the same as previously submitted with board approval) for the most recent deadline. We promoted again the importance of a standalone environmental impact for the trinity river aspect of this re-consultation process.
- 10.31 – meeting scheduled with J. Beck – Bureau of Reclamation
- Cannabis Update
- Public announcement on the website today and the Trinity Journal tomorrow regarding the timeline for moving forward with proposed ordinance updates. Due to a county obligation, we are pulling out changes related to Stacking for consideration in a shorter timeframe. More time is being allowed for public engagement regarding a second version of the proposed update.
- See the bottom of this update for details regarding this announcement.
- Communications
- The News and Announcements section (far left column) on the home page of the county website provides updates and has a button to click for signing up for email notifications. As of today, there are 104 people who have subscribed for email updates. This a great way for people to keep up with county news and announcements via email.
- California Association of County Executives Meeting
- Three day meeting next week with fellow California CAOs to address a number of relevant topics on the agenda.
- Recognition
- Shared a “shout out” regarding Lisa in the Clerk Recorders office – based on a very positive comment card submitted by a member of the public.
III. Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors
- District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
- Out of County Travel to Redding for NoRTEC Meeting
- NoRTEC – facilitated strategic planning session with staff and service provider leaders. This included a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. Next step is to share results with full NoRTEC Board. Service Providers working with NoRTEC include:
- Alliance for Workforce Development – serving Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, and Sierra Counties
- Job Training Center Workforce Solutions – serving Tehama County.
- Smart Workforce Center – serving Del Norte, Shasta, Siskyou, and Trinity Counties.
- PSA2 – Chair Cox will provide an update
- District 2 | Jill Cox (9:30 AM)
- No closed session to report out on
- Follow up on request for details regarding the Sheriff’s budget. Shared that we do have reports that can be reviewed with staff for greater clarification. Encouraged interested parties to reach out to the Clerk of the Board and/or Supervisor to request a meeting to review these materials.
- Shared an update regarding the volunteer cleanup organized by the Watershed Center in Hayfork. 41 volunteers and the 8 person staff team cleared out 88 cubic yards, over 4 tons removed near the area of Post Mountain.
- Housing Development Corporation – met with representatives.
- Governors Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force Meeting – several of our local leaders were on panels for this event.
- Fire Chief’s Meeting – provided updates regarding legislative matters of interest.
- Crosswalk Safety Meeting – (included staff and CalTrans engineer). An onsite evaluation was completed and will follow up with options to enhance safety. Ongoing efforts will consider analysis of incidents/traffic and potential solutions to improve crosswalk safety.
- Weaverville Community Forest Public Meeting – great work being done. A presentation related to these matters will be on a November agenda.
- PSA2 – 5 volunteers are delivering meals to 63 participants. Congregate meals will begin soon at the Church of the Nazarene. Initially, the maximum will be 60 people. Hope to launch on October 25th.
- District 3 | Liam Gogan
- No out of county travel
- Appreciation offered to the Cannabis Ordinance Ad Hoc for their efforts to engage the public. Noted strong engagement with the Hmong community in Hayfork meetings. Special thanks offered to the Cannabis Division staff for their efforts.
- TMC members continue to reach out to representatives regarding the Winter Variable Flow – in hopes of coming to agreement on a better way forward.
- District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- No out of county travel
- California Ag Leadership Program – attended meeting (on her own dime) of program alumni
- North Coast Resource Partnership – participating in upcoming meeting in Yreka.
- Solid Waste – constituents are sharing longterm concerns regarding availability of sites and conditions for site workers.
- Emergency Services – meeting with folks preparing for Winter.
- Fuel Reduction Funds – looking forward to more fuel reduction initiatives in her district.
- District 5 | Dan Frasier
- No out of county travel
IV. Reports from Ad Hocs:
A. Trinity County Water
- Nothing additional to report
B. Cannabis Ordinance
- Ad Hoc Committee has invested 9 hours-to-date reviewing public input. We are approximately half way through the input received.
- The timeline for the ordinance update has been extended to allow sufficient time for response to initial input and to provide time for public comment on a 2nd version of proposed updates prior to its submission to the Planning Commission.
- An amendment to the ordinance addressing stacking will be presented to the Planning Commission next month.
- Proposed ordinance updates regarding “opt-outs” and “overlay zones” will be focused on new applications for overlay zones (to include or exclude), not for reconsideration of existing opt-outs.
C. Economic Development
- California Jobs First
- This is the new name for what has been referred to as CERF.
- I participated in the Advisory Committee meeting yesterday as the group addressed updated timelines, guidelines, and processes.
- Catalyst funding (for pre-planing, etc.) will be awarded in May of 2024. Work between now and then is focused on establishing selection criteria, a selection committee, sub-committee work to review/propose projects for each area of interest, etc.
- There is a lot of work to do… and more time to submit ideas.
- California Jobs First
- Housing
- TCDC is initiating efforts focused on housing.
- Chair Cox, CAO Tuthill, Director Prestley and I participated in a webinar focused on Workforce Housing. We subsequently followed up on a path for creating a “housing study” which is considered an important first step in developing a plan and attracting potential partners – such as developers.
- Housing
- The board approved all items on the consent calendar.
3.1 Discuss and/or provide direction to staff regarding the following areas for the cannabis cultivation license fee credit/refund worksheet authorized by the Board of Supervisors on March 1, 2022: Potential establishment of an end date for credit/refunds to be applied; Guidelines around credit/refunds for applications deemed inactive; and Guidelines around credit/refunds as it relates to license transfers. Currently $579,773 dollars in credits have been issued, with $222,193 potentially remaining.
- Drew Plebanis | Cannabis Division
- This program was established in response to the cultivation program being “shut down” by the TAA settlement agreement. 10.31.2021 was the cutoff date
- Criteria established to Urgency Ordinance Extension Letter
- Process revisited to more appropriately calculate refunds.
- 200+ applications on hand… needed to be revisited to ensure appropriate dates were used in calculating credits – these were returned to applicants.
- When applicant comes into submit new application then the credit is issued against the new permit.
- Priority/Phase 1 – 300 permit holders qualified and received UOE letter
- 236 worksheets on file
- 161 of these were applied
- 72 worksheets still on file
- All outstanding applications are for credits… not refunds
- Request for refund (vs credit) would require the applicant to submit a formal withdrawal from the cultivation program.
- Overall Update
- 102 projects still working through technical review of appendix C
- 28 – additional information requested/not received
- 5 – on county’s plate to finalize
- 25 – require resubmission of appendix c
- 44 – require inspection/post-inspection report
- 102 projects still working through technical review of appendix C
- Public Comment
- Offered opinion that not all of outstanding applicants are due to a shortcoming from the applicant side – rather they reflect resource limitations to process applications. Noted that absent a fee study, we are not sure how much it cost to provide previously issued permits. Call for transfers related to this process be honored.
- The board provided staff with the following direction:
- The board gave direction to staff to bring this matter back to the board as soon as practical. In preparation, consider the following:
- No new credit requests after 11.15.23
- Program to end as of 12.31.23
- Consider the manner in which exceptions would be approved.
- The board gave direction to staff to bring this matter back to the board as soon as practical. In preparation, consider the following:
Environmental Health
3.2 Adopt a resolution to allow Trinity County Environmental Health to apply for a wastewater planning grant through the State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Sustainable Water Solutions, Division of Financial Assistance Clean Water State Revolving Fund. No fiscal impact.
- Kristy Anderson | Environmental Health
- Clarified that this is proposal is just for the study/analysis. A separate effort (and funding) would be required for implementation.
- Noted a significant number of failures with existing septic systems
- Believes there is a majority support from the community.
- Not yet sure how we would address individual community member’s decision to participate (or opt-out) of the new system.
- The board approved this matter as presented.
Health and Human Services
3.3 Take the following actions effective October 17, 2023:
1. Approve the job description, set the salary range and add to the alphabetical listing of classifications a Community Health Nurse III at range G228; and
2. Modify the Health and Human Services – Public Health departmental allocation listing to read: Three (3) Public Health Nurse I/II/III or Community Health Nurse I/II/III or Public Health Nursing Supervisor.
Approximate cost in salary and benefits per month for a Community Health Nurse III at A step is $8,780.
- Laila Cassis | Human Resources
- The board approved this matter as presented.
4.1 Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipation of Litigation. No. of Cases: One
4.2 Government Code Section 54954.5(f) – Conference with Labor Negotiators County’s Designated Representatives: Margaret Long and Suzie Hawkins Employee Organizations: Deputy Sheriff’s Association and HHS Unit.
4.3 Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2)&(3) – Conference with legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation – One potential case. Complaint of alleged harassment against a member of the Board of Supervisors
CAO Trent Tuthill’s Public Announcement Regarding Cannabis Ordinance Timelines
Based upon the tremendous amount of constructive public input during the four public workshops, to include comments received via electronic methods, Trinity County is announcing a new timetable for the overall Cannabis Ordinance Update.
The county is grateful for all the input received to date and a strong message was a desire for future opportunities to provide input to the next ordinance update draft (version 2) – before it goes to the Planning Commission. Embedded within the overall Cannabis Ordinance Update is a county obligation to introduce for Board of Supervisor consideration, changes associated with stacking certain license types. In order to balance the existing county obligation related to stacking and the desire to provide more opportunities for public engagement on the overall Cannabis Ordinance Update, the county has decided to introduce an amendment to the existing cannabis ordinance to address this obligation.
The county will work an ordinance amendment to address the county obligation relating to stacking, based upon the following tentative timeline:
- Draft document available to public: approximately Nov 3, 2023
- PC Meeting: Nov 16, 2023
- BOS hearing/mtg: Dec 5, 2023
In a parallel effort, the county will continue to work on the full Cannabis Ordinance Update based upon the following revised timeline:
- Cannabis Ordinance Draft version 2 available to the public: approximately Nov 30, 2023
- Additional public workshops: Dec 11-15, 2023
- Draft 3 available to public: approximately Jan 15, 2024
- Planned notice for the PC meeting: Mid Jan, 2024
- PC meeting/public hearing: Late Jan/early Feb, 2024
- BOS meeting/public hearing: Late Mar/early Apr, 2024
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