Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
The special BOS meeting included a number of important items, including a change to the Governance Manual, Cannabis Division funding, Grand Jury report response, and more. Here are the notes I took during the meeting. Please understand that this is not meant to be a comprehensive documentation of discussions and decisions that took place.
Board of Supervisors
1.1 | Adopt a resolution adopting a revised Governance manual. |
No fiscal impact. |
- Board voted to amend the Governance Manual so that a first-year supervisor who (by rotation) would be in line to become chair would instead become vice chair.
Clerk of the Board
1.2 | Pursuant to the County Governance Manual, confirm the seating of District 2 Supervisor Jill Cox as Chairman and District 3 Supervisor Liam Gogan as Chair Pro Tem (Vice-Chair). |
No fiscal impact. |
- Board voted to approve the amended motion, placing Supervisor Cox as Chair and Supervisor Leutwyler as Vice Chair.
Teckla Johnson presented an update regarding Trinity Together. Here is a link to her presentation materials.
Board Updates
- The Board approved all items.
County Administrative Office
5.1 | Continue the public hearing from December 20, 2022 to consider introducing, waiving the reading of and enacting an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 2.64.050 regarding various county fees. |
Potential increase in revenues in an unknown amount to various county departments.
Board voted to approve the proposed changes to the fee structure – with the amendments (lowering several fees within the Tax Collectors area) made during the prior board meeting. Clarification was provided that fees collected prior to the implementation of the new fee structure would remain at the rates applied at the time of receipt.
Building and Development Services
- Presentation – Skylar Fisher provided an update regarding this item… including an explanation of the regulations related to the proposed ordinance
- Health & Safety concerns are the only matters that can be considered for applying for additional permit requirements
- The state considers these as ”accessory” items within established zoning
- Public Comment
- Concerns were raised regarding the limitations this places on land use control
- Discussed the possibility of requiring a “will serve” letter as part of the process
- This means there would have to be a letter from the provider of power to the site saying that they will provide service as needed to support the permitted installation
- Board Discussion
- Considered options of approving as and then asking the Planning Commission to review/advise, or the option of not approving as is and asking the Planning Commission to review/advise.
- Board voted to send this matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation on appropriate zoning for commercial installations.
6.2 | Continue to January 17, 2023 the item continued from December 29, 2022 to discuss the current status of the Cannabis Department’s budget, give direction to staff regarding providing a general fund contribution or advance, and authorize the CAO and Auditor to sign any budget adjustments necessary based on the direction given. |
$1,018,154 from the General Fund in the form of a contribution or advance based on BOS direction. |
- Drew Plebani requested that the Board approve the reallocation of funding from the grant funds at this time – while waiting to vote on the decision regarding additional funding.
- Drew Plebani also suggested that we postpone our decision regarding additional funding until we receive the results of a pending grant modification request.
- Board voted to adopt as presented – identified the 2nd BOS meeting of January as the timing of reviewing this again.
Clerk of the Board
6.3 | Appoint Supervisors represent the County on various Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces for the next year. |
No fiscal impact.
The Board approved committee assignments – details will be shared at a later time. Each Supervisor has an average of 12 committee assignments. |
6.4 | Set the Board of Supervisors meeting schedule for calendar year 2023. |
No fiscal impact.
Board approved a meeting schedule that includes the following:
6.5 | Acknowledge receipt of and assign a Supervisor to draft a response to Grand Jury Report (DER: 2022-001) Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Report |
No fiscal impact. |
- Chair Cox assigned herself to handle this matter.
Human Resources
6.6 | Take the following actions effective January 1, 2023: |
The approximate cost in salary and benefits per month for a Housing Case Manager at A step is $6,408. |
- Board approved this matter as presented. Note – this position is grant funded.
Planning and Zoning
- Presentation – Skylar Fisher presented background information
- Historical perspective provided regarding this matter
- Determined to be a major lot line adjustment
- Minor lot line adjustment has a streamlined approval process
- Error in notifying surveyor vs applicant meant official notice did not take place within the established 30-day period
- Planning Commission reviewed this matter – determined that the project would be deemed complete when outstanding items were provided by the applicant
- The applicant proposed an option that would make this qualify as a minor lot line adjustment
- Internal discussion led to the decision that the attempt to notify within the 30-day timeframe is sufficient to support the decision that the application is not deemed automatically complete.
- Ongoing concern regarding legal access to one of the parcels involved
- There is a documented requirement to give notice at Post Offices – this practice has been halted due to difficulty obtaining approval from the Post Office to post notices of this nature.
- Still believes that a qualitative review is required for the revised proposal
- Environmental Health does still require a site visit
- Appellant Input
- Concerns were raised that Interim Director is not authorized to make “planning decisions” that he has made regarding this manner
- Detailed presentation delivered
- Public Comment
- Comments in support of moving this forward
- Board voted to approve this project based on conditions documented and added during the discussion
6.8 | Take the following actions regarding APN 014-350-56 |
Unknown fiscal impact. |
- Presentation
- Property purchased in 2007
- Replaced an existing structure with a new on in the same area
- Taxes paid for improvements made on the part of the property that has since been determined to be outside the legal parcel owned
- Board approved this measure as presented.
7.1 | Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation
I hope these notes are helpful in your efforts to stay informed about county matters. For a more comprehensive understanding of what took place… You can watch any portion of the meeting on YouTube with this link. You can access the board agenda (including links to related documents) with this link. You can access Grand Jury reports with this link. Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement
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