Shasta College | Trinity Campus – Back and Better Than Ever!

Someone reached out to me back in mid-April about Shasta College’s Trinity County facility in Weaverville.  She shared concerns about it being closed since 2020 and the challenges of having to travel to Redding for classes.  I reached out at the time for some guidance but didn’t hear back.  Last week I followed up with Dr, Andrew Fields – Dean of Extended Education and received some great news.  Rather than paraphrase his response, I received Dr. Fields’ permission to share his response online.  Here is what he had to say.


“Hi Ric,

Thank you for reaching out. We went through some staffing changes in Trinity and now have our full-time paraprofessional established, Crystal Jacobs (copied).

Our Trinity campus is open and we are promoting online learning by providing free on-sight connectivity, access to computers, and tutoring for students.

We realized some time ago that connectivity is an issue in Trinity County, so we increased our bandwidth to our site, added extra computers for on-site use or to be checked out, and increased Learning Center services for students.

Students also can access all services including applications, registrations, support programs, etc. Trinity is a one-stop-shop for local students. We actively encourage students to use our site and the services provided by our staff.

Prior to the pandemic, Trinity students were limited in their course options. We now offer a wide range of courses online. Students can also transfer to 4-year universities and continue to use our site for connectivity, computers, and tutoring in their educational pursuits.

In-person instruction in Trinity has always been challenging to meet required minimum enrollments. Shasta College has a long history of using technology to provide educational opportunities for county students.

Our current model allows students to take online courses while receiving in-person tutoring and coaching support.

I hope this helps explain what we are doing to serve our community. Please feel free to reach out to Crystal or myself if you have more questions.”

Thank you,

Dr. Andrew R. Fields

Dean of Extended Education

Shasta College

Dr. Fields mentioned Crystal, our new key contact for Shasta College |Trinity Campus.

Crystal wanted me to share this message with everyone.

“Hello Ric,

My name is Crystal Jacobs and I am a Trinity County local, born and raised. I am excited to be the new Paraprofessional at the Trinity Campus of Shasta College and am looking forward to the future of our Shasta College Trinity Campus. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! Have a wonderful day!”



Crystal Jacobs

Extended Education Paraprofessional

Visit the Trinity Campus | Shasta College website with this link.

We are so lucky to have our own Shasta College campus and to have people like Crystal Jacobs and Dr. Fields who are clearly committed to creating a great learning environment for people of all ages.