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I continue to be amazed at how much goes on, often behind the scenes, here in Trinity County. This update highlights a few areas of interest, including – economic development, community plans, water matters, tourism, housing, and more.


The board of supervisors usually meets twice per month. With the addition of at least one day of Budget Hearings, we will have at least three meetings in September.  Our next meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:00 AM. Both the timing and duration of our board meetings mean that most people aren’t able to participate. Thankfully, there are several ways people can keep up with the content and outcomes of our board meetings.



The potential of our budget no longer being able to support the Libraries and Animal Shelter has dramatically increased public engagement. Like many that I’ve heard from, I believe that both of these operations are very important services for our county. Unfortunately, even with significant budget cuts in other areas, we currently don’t see sufficient funding to support the ongoing operations of these important services. I am working with others to research potential funding sources that could fill the shortfall we are experiencing. I look forward to sharing information about our challenges and potential solutions during upcoming community meetings. Click here for more information about the community meetings.

Budget Hearings for this fiscal year are scheduled to start on Tuesday, September 24th at 9:00 AM. The draft budget proposed by staff will be published on Friday, September 6th.



Work continues on both our General Plan, Community Plans, Housing Element, and Zoning Ordinance. Eight Community Plan meetings are scheduled in October. These present an important opportunity for community members to share their input regarding draft plans before they are finalized.

A draft of our new General Plan is now available online. The sixty-day period for public input will end on October 25th. As part of the public review process, community members and property owners are encouraged to review if their specific parcel underwent a land use re-designation. This information can be confirmed using the new online mapping tool (available at

You can keep up with progress and opportunities to participate via this link. There is also a form on the website that you can use to submit input directly to the consultants handling this important project.  All input is reviewed and shared back with the public at large.

Your Opinion Matters!

Each supervisor is appointed to boards and committees that are of importance to Trinity County. Here are some brief notes regarding the boards and committees that I am a part of this year.

  • Sierra Nevada Conservancy
    • This state agency (formed in 2004)  is tasked to improve the environmental, economic, and social well-being of California’s Sierra-Cascade region. In January of 2022, the SNC expanded into portions of Trinity County. The board of this organization includes voting members from each subregion.  In 2025 and 2026, I will have the honor of representing our subregion as the voting member on the SNC Board. I will be traveling to Mt Shasta for the next board meeting.
  • Airport Advisory Committee
    • This group meets several times a year to address airport challenges and opportunities, The board recently approved changes to the rates and terms for use of airport hangars. These changes will allow us to compete more effectively for federal funds.
  • Psa II Area Agency On Aging Executive Board
    • This group meets monthly to address programs and services offered to seniors in our area. We collaborate with other counties and the PSA II leadership team to maximize the impact of available funds, programs, and services. A free Caregiver Support Event is scheduled in Weaverville on September 6th, from 2 PM to 4 PM at the Trinity County Library.
  • Child Abuse Prevention Council
    • This council brings together leaders from across the county who are involved in efforts to prevent child abuse. Recent meetings included plans for upcoming events and the review and approval of several applications for the use of grant funding previously obtained for us in Trinity County.
  • California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
    • This group brings together representatives from all counties in California to address a wide range of issues that impact our counties. I represented Trinity County in the CSAC Board Meeting today. We voted on measures that CSAC would support on behalf of counties and received updates regarding quite a few initiatives underway.
  • Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD)
    • This organization is focused on economic development. We have two community members on the board as well. I have been leading this board through strategic planning discussions that will lead to stronger alignment regarding the priorities and success criteria for this important organization.
  • Disaster Council
    • The chair of the Board of Supervisors is assigned as the chair of the Disaster Council. This meeting brings together representatives from all of the organizations involved in health & safety matters throughout the county. We are lucky to have so many leaders collaborating on our behalf to prepare for and respond to disasters that impact Trinity County.
  • Funding Sources Ad Hoc Committee
    • This committee was recently established to look into potential sources of funding to make up for budget shortfalls. Information will be shared during upcoming community meetings and via board meeting updates.
  • California Jobs First – this important funding opportunity continues to evolve. I am now a member of the steering committee and recently reviewed and rated some of the applications being considered for funding. The larger group of participants in this initiative will be meeting next week in Anderson in one of the final steps before catalyst funding is awarded.


  • Local Initiatives – TCDC board members continue to work behind the scenes on several local initiatives. We look forward to sharing more information when the timing is right.


    • Karl Stock |  Bureau of Reclamation Regional Director – recently provided an informative update to the board regarding water matters. I appreciate his willingness to visit Trinity County to address our questions and concerns in person.
    • Minersville Boat Ramp – the U.S. Forest Service continues their work on this project – with the focus on addressing public input received earlier this year.
    • Trinity Lake Marinas – Our U.S. Forest Service representatives worked with the permit holder to place a marina in Trinity Center this year.  I appreciate their efforts to make this happen.
    • River Restoration Flows – water release plans for the coming season will be discussed (and voted upon) in an upcoming meeting of the TMC (Trinity Management Council). It appears that we are close to agreement on a winter variables flow approach that balances the interests of all parties. If approved, the Winter Variable Flows could start as soon as December 15, 2024.

ENHANCED COMMUNICATIONS – Several steps have been taken to enhance communications. You can now subscribe to email updates directly from county staff. The left-hand column of the county’s home page has a simple form to use in signing up for these email updates. Click here to access the home page and subscription form.

We recently contracted for communications support that will help us achieve our goal of communicating in a more timely and effective manner. Look for enhanced communication via our website, social media, and email distribution list in the coming months. We hope to launch a completely new website by (or just after) the new year. These efforts should make it much easier for interested parties to stay informed about important county matters.

BOARD AGENDA & MINUTESclick here to access current and past agendas and minutes.

PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA & MINUTESclick here to access current and past agendas and minutes.

BOARD & PLANNING COMMISSION VIDEO RECORDINGSclick here to access video recordings of board meetings.

I hope you find these updates of value.  Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.


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