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This joint meeting of the board and commission focused on the recently released draft of our new General Plan. The initial release of this draft did not reflect the intended recommendation of staff regarding land use for commercial cannabis purposes. An updated version of the draft was released just before this meeting – which caused some level of concern and uncertainty. During the meeting, we attempted to address these concerns and to provide clarity.
See the end of this report for board direction to address concerns raised during this meeting.
Click here to download the current draft of the General Plan.
- A.1. Community Development – Planning – Receive a presentation and participate in the General Plan draft public document seminar facilitated by Minter Harnish. No fiscal impact.
- Presentation materials were included in the backup material for the agenda and can be viewed online.
- Public comment was taken after each segment of the presentation. To make the most of this opportunity, staff and consultants were authorized to respond to some questions and concerns raised during public comment.
- Emphasized that this is a DRAFT that is open for public comment for 60 days. Once adopted, the General Plan can be amended up to 4 times per year.
- Walked through the project process and timeline – showing all the steps we have already been through, those we are currently working through, and those few that lie ahead.
- General Plans are required by the state. It serves as a blueprint for the jurisdiction over a 25-year period.
- Represents the community’s vision for the future.
- Economic Development & Community Health are two areas of the plan that were added by the board (not required by the state).
- Key Deliverables to date (all available on the website)
- Vision – Trinity County is a place where people can experience a fulfilling life in a peaceful, rural, setting while allowing for existing and new development to thrive in appropriate ways and locations. It is a place where employment, housing, world class recreation, and cultural and natural resources opportunities are abundant; where there is a strong sense of community and family, neighbors support neighbors, and residents feel safe and secure.
- Community Plans – eight plans are underway. Workshops in October.
- Housing Element – also underway.
- Public Comment
- Concern was raised regarding the staff’s proposal to not allow new commercial cannabis operations on rural residential parcels.
- Additional concerns were raised regarding the proposal mentioned above.
- Questions were raised as to the findings associated with the proposal mentioned above… and how/why cannabis is being treated differently than other agricultural uses.
- Encouragement was provided to treat cannabis like other forms of agricultural land use.
- Additional concerns were raised regarding the proposal mentioned above. Echoed concerns that this appears to some as something being “snuck in” during this process.
- Planning Commission Discussion
- Encouragement to release community plan documents further in advance of scheduled community plan meetings.
- Board Discussion
- Echoed Commissioner support for more time between the release of documents and community workshops.
- The board directed staff to allow 7 to 10 days between the time the materials are published and the meetings are held. There will likely be a 2-week extension for completion of these plans to ensure staff/consultants have time to respond to input.
Land Use Element
- Organization of the General Plan
- Using the General Plan
- Goal – Policy – Implementation Program
- General Plan Annual Report – jurisdictions are required to submit this each year
- Land Use
- We have introduced an opportunity for property owners to contest zoning changes during a 60-day period (ends 10.16.2024). These will go to staff, commission, and board.
- Public Comment
- Question about the public’s ability to access their parcel. Currently, this can only happen via a PDF. Work is underway to establish a more streamlined process which will make it easier. This should be available early next week.
- Encouragement to extend the period for public input (by months). Requested that district-specific maps be provided that also show other relevant overlays (such as riparian setbacks). Requested that a map be presented that shows where commercial cannabis would be allowed.
- Feedback offered that the existing PDF is virtually unusable. Concern as to how we have gone about choosing proposed zoning changes… and a request to apply a similar approach in other areas as was done in Post Mountain. Supported the call for additional outreach and time for people to know about proposed changes to commercial cannabis zoning.
- Concern was raised that the change made after the release of the document has left many people misinformed. Support for concerns raised about the usability of the PDF. Request for more information regarding decision criteria for rezoning… and specifically regarding changes related to commercial cannabis.
- Question regarding all zoning-related steps and public comment periods.
- Concerns were raised about how, why, and when the proposal to prohibit commercial cannabis on rural residential parcels.
NOTE – I had to step out of this meeting for one hour to facilitate a portion of the NoRTEC (workforce development) Board Meeting.
- Our special meeting was scheduled at the same time as the NoRTEC meeting. I am the primary representative from the Trinity County Board of Supervisors to this workforce development board.
- As Vice-Chair, Supervisor Gogan facilitated the meeting while I was away.
- I have not had a chance to review the recording of this portion of the meeting so my notes do not reflect all the discussions that took place.
Economic Development Element
- This is new for Trinity County.
- No public comment
- Planning Commission
- Encouragement to add something about attracting retirees
- Encouragement to add something about outdoor recreation activities
Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
- Planning Commission
- Questions related to wastewater language.
- Question as to where the money for some of these items will come from.
- CSO Tuthill shared that some of the policies will likely not make it to the final document. Also, while funding is limited now, we have to anticipate the future (this plan covers 25 years).
- Funding mechanisms are included for some areas included in the plan.
- Public Comment
- Input that fire departments should receive more financial support
Conservation and Open Space
- 15 programs tied to this section.
- Recycling – may be better to add this to the previous section
- 33 existing policies, 40 new policies
- Transportation Infrastructure
- This is then the basis for future work on Regional Transportation Plans, etc.
- Planning Commission
- Request to confirm that the snow plow policy is included
Community Health Element
- A completely new element for Trinity County
- Public Comment
- Comments about the importance of this to Trinity County. Referenced the potential closing of the libraries as an example of moving in the wrong direction.
- Concern raised about creating over-regulation when we add a who new set of policies and regulation.
- Additional concerns regarding potential for over-regulation.
- Asked why the plan doesn’t include a new hospital.
- Board Discussion
- Encouragement for hospice services to be addressed.
- Questions regarding policies related to limiting detrimental land use
Hazards & Safety
- 8 new policies
- Planning Commission
- Pointed out correction regarding federal/state land intersections – need to clarify responsibility.
- Board Discussion
- Opinion shared of disagreement with one of the opening statements in the document.
Noise Element
- 8 new policies
Summary/Wrap Up
- Commenting Period – currently through 10.16.2024
- Next Steps
- Weaverville Community Meeting tonight
- Board Direction
- General Plan
- Reset commenting period to end 60 days from today.
- Information provided to Trinity Journal & posted on social media (major groups)
- Change made to document originally posted
- Tool coming
- End date reset
- Staff will work to change existing commercial cannabis licenses that are RR parcels to Ag parcels.
- Community Plans
- General Plan
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