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This meeting included two presentations – a proclamation of appreciation and an informative update from the Bureau of Reclamation. Public comment was heavily focused on budgetary concerns – especially as they relate to ongoing funding of County Libraries.


A.1. Child Support Services – Adopt a proclamation of appreciation that recognizes Trinity County Child Support for their commitment to the families of Trinity County and to recognize Child Support Awareness Month of August 2024 county-wide. No fiscal impact.

  • Stacy Kosta | Director
    • Acknowledged staff and provided a brief update regarding the program.
    • A new representative in Trinity County will also be able to serve as a Hmong translator.

A.2. Clerk of the Board – Receive a presentation from Karl Stock, Regional Director, California-Great Basin, Bureau of Reclamation, on Trinity County items of interest regarding the Trinity River Division of the Central Valley Project. No fiscal impact.

  • Karl Stock | Regional Director, California Great Basin, Bureau of Reclamation
    • In this position since January
    • Trinity River Reconsultation – Yurok and Hoopa Tribes have joint lead. The timeline for Trinity (Fall 2025) remains slightly later than the Sacramento Valley(end of 2024).
    • Alignment of Efforts – changes deemed necessary as a result of the Trinity River work will then be addressed within the Sacramento Valley plan.
    • Banking Trinity Lake Water – acknowledged that the minimum pool level has been too low and expects that to increase. Modeling is now able to reflect the impact of the critically dry years we recently experienced.
      • Raised the potential for minimum flow and minimum pool goals to be in conflict. Trinity County has the opportunity to weigh in on this.
    • Hatchery Renovation – the contract for this project should be awarded by the end of the year for a $65 million upgrade to our Hatchery.
    • Transformer Replacements planned…
    • Auxiliary Outlets at Lewiston Dam – will provide the ability for more precise flow control.
    • Temperature Control – researching needs for enhanced monitoring and temperature control for the Trinity River. An appraisal study would follow. This requires supporting funding from outside the bureau. This would lead to a request for funding from Congress to support a feasibility study.
    • Winter Variable Flows – working to reach a consensus for a proposal that could be approved by TMC in time for implementation this Winter.
    • Whiskey Town Lake & Clear Creek – this is within the realm of authority and responsibility of the Bureau. Lake levels are maintained for recreation purposes in the Summer. Water is not regularly drawn from the Trinity to achieve goals.
  • Board Discussion
    • Winter Variable Flow decision will not impact the timing of the biological study planned/required for the Trinity River Reconsultation Process.
    • Economic Impact – this is considered as part of the process via NEPA work. Parties are informed of anticipated economic impact… and can provide feedback if they feel the estimates are inaccurate.
      • Water Districts are not allowed to profit from water delivery… when the source of the water is reclamation.
    • Recreation for Whiskeytown Lake vs Trinity Lake. Whiskeytown is managed for recreation, not managed for water supply.
      • The authorized operations designated for the Trinity Lake reservoir are different than those for Whiskeytown Lake.
      • Congressional decisions regarding the use of Trinity Lake (as a reservoir) are what drive decisions.
    • Summer Flows – these will likely be adjusted. Anticipate the minimum flow to be lower than has been the case since the 2000 Record of Decision. Karl offered to follow up with the initial thinking of the working group. Trinity County is encouraged to provide input.
    • Hatchery Project – this is a 2-year plan with hopes of completion by the end of 2026. Operations
    • Klamath Sediment – not planning to use Trinity River flows to address this challenge. Expect dam removal to have a positive impact on fish in the river on a long-term basis.
    • Power Plant Enhancements – planned enhancements could lessen the need for water diversions. This is still to be determined.
    • Water Contracts – working on new contracts that would reduce requirements in critically dry years.
  • Library – Concern was raised about the possibility of closing the Library. He suggested alternatives such as fewer days open. He also encouraged the county to focus on economic development that will bring more money into the county.
  • Library – Concerns shared regarding the possible closing of the Library. Emphasized the importance of the Library to families. Encouraged the board to manage resources better.
  • Library – moved here a year ago from San Francisco. Feels the Library is a key asset and community hub. Sees the Library as a necessity… not a luxury.
  • Veterans Benefits – The Veteran spoke about concerns that the county is not operating in a manner consistent with regulations that should prevent him from paying fees for the operation of his business. He shared that he has been working with the county to resolve his concerns and is now looking for board action.
  • Financial Management – shared concerns that mismanagement led to the financial challenges that we are currently experiencing.
  • Library – hoping for a long-term solution for our Libraries – emphasized that all of our Libraries are important. Offered support for a tax increase to generate the funding needed to achieve a long-term solution.
  • Library – shared how important the Libraries are to our communities. Asked everyone to remember the impact that Libraries have had on their lives.
  • Library – helped move books to the Library. Encouraged the board to find a way to keep the Libraries open. Pointed out that many families can’t afford to purchase books and rely on the County Libraries for access to books. Encouraged the board and CAO to work on alternatives to closing the Library.
  • Library – shared concerns that mismanagement of funds led to the potential closing of our Libraries. Shared concerns regarding the focus of the board… and emphasized the need to focus on revenue-generating initiatives.
  • Library – shared dismay that the Libraries could be closing. Wanted to speak on behalf of families that rely on our Libraries to avoid isolation. Shared that internet access via the Library is sometimes the only way that some residents can reach out to others.
  • Library & Animal Shelter – emphasized the importance of keeping these services going in Trinity County. Shared that closing the cannabis program would save money.
  • C.1. Report from Department Heads – None
  • C.2. Report from County Administrative Officer | Trent Tuthill
    • Post Mountain Electricity Distribution Options – $100,000 was awarded for a feasibility study for electrical distribution in the Post Mountain area. An RFP
    • Mental Health Student Services – A $1.2 million grant was awarded for this purpose. TCOE took the lead in this endeavor.
    • Budget
      • 9.6.2024 – the budget proposal will be made public
      • 9.24.2024 – budget hearing
      • 10.2.2024 – final date to approve a budget
    • General Plan Draft
      • released and open to public comment for 60 days. Two community meetings this week on the General Plan
      • Joint session of the board and planning commission to review the general plan draft.

Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors

  • District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
    • SCED Board Meeting – led strategic planning session during a meeting last week in Redding.
    • CA Jobs First – Assigned projects to review based on criteria established by the advisory committee. The next meeting is in September. Decisions should be communicated this Fall.
    • NoRTEC – met with staff virtually to prepare for the board meeting taking place later this week. I will be presenting the results of a board effectiveness survey.
    • Board Chair Effectiveness Survey – Department heads, key contacts, and Supervisors have received a survey designed to measure my effectiveness as chairman of the board.
    • Funding Sources – as mentioned during public comment, Supervisor Cox and I are working with CAO Tuthill to research various options for generating the additional funding needed to support county operations such as the Library, Animal Shelter, Law Enforcement, etc.
    • River Restoration – will participate in a visit to river restoration project sites and discuss plans.
    • Community Meetings – will be scheduling community meetings to discuss the budget and other matters of interest. Supervisor Cox and I will host a joint session in Weaverville since some of the area is part of District 1.
  • District 2 | Jill Cox
    • No out-of-county travel
    • The Fire Chief’s Meeting was canceled this month
    • Communities Foundation … $6,000 donation for… The transmitter needs repair. Transmissions include fire-related information and alerts. Ongoing donations are appreciated.
    • PSA2 – Board meeting yesterday.
  • District 3 | Liam Gogan
    • No out-of-county travel
  • District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
    • NACO
      • Public Lands Steering Committee Vice Chair
      • Rural Action Caucus Representative
      • Attended a meeting focused on the Farm Bill – which is a key source for many initiatives that Trinity County relies upon. This includes Secure Rural….
    • NCRP – involved in discussions focused on illegal cannabis site cleanup.
  • District 5 | Dan Frasier
    • No out-of-county travel

C.3. Reports from Ad Hocs

  • 1. Tribal Relations – No Report
  • The board approved all matters on the Consent Calendar as presented.
  • E.1. Auditor/Controller – Approve a budget adjustment for FY 23/24 for Courts General – Dept. 1500 increasing Services and Supplies by $20,388, and approve a budget adjustment for FY 23/24 for General Fund Contingency – Dept. 9901 decreasing Provisions for Contingency by $20,388. Increase in General Fund appropriations for $20,388; current contingency balance is $139,644.
    • Christine Gaffney
    • The board approved this matter as presented.
  • E.2. Community Development – Environmental Health – Adopt a resolution for Local Enforcement for Retail Tobacco Facilities. Potential revenue of $626,535 from the Tobacco Enforcement Grant over a 36-month grant period.
    • Kristy Anderson | Director of Environmental Health
      • Grant funding is available to support these (and other actions).
      • The focus is on enforcing state laws… not implementing new regulations.
      • Retail locations that don’t have ABC licenses do not receive the same level of inspections. This would fill the gap.
      • 104 CA counties and cities have their regulations. We are not taking that path.
    • Board Discussion
      • Important to ensure that grant funding covers all costs associated with this initiative – so that General Funds will not be required to fill a gap.
      • The impact on retailers is more site visits focused on tobacco sales. No new regulations.
      • This process gives the county authority to enforce existing state laws.
      • Response to finding illegal activities can include a Notice of Violations.
    • Public Comment
      • HRN representative spoke in support of this initiative. Shared that a total of 34 decoy visits are made throughout several North State Counties. Trinity County has a high rate of flavored vape product use by youth.
      • Questions were raised regarding Trinity County’s results of decoy visits.
    • The board approved this matter as presented.
  • E.3. County Administrative Office – Adopt a resolution establishing the required number of grand jury members in Trinity County at eleven members. Unknown fiscal impact.
    • CAO Tuthill
      • This request is coming from the courts
      • This reduces the costs associated with convening the Grand Jury.
      • The board approved additional funding for the Grand Jury this past fiscal year.
      • Challenges are trying to fill the 19 seats currently required/authorized.
    • Public Comment
      • Someone who served three times shared that the one year he served was based on 11 people… and they experienced challenges in achieving a quorum. Shared that the county has the option of appointing people… or relying solely on volunteers.
    • Board Discussion
      • Note that this request did come from the courts who administer the process.
      • Mileage reimbursement is authorized for all members of the Grand Jury.
      • The judge does appoint people… but those people are volunteers.
      • The suggestion was made to establish a minimum of 11 while allowing up to 19.
      • The Penal Code 888.2 is the guiding law for this… and does not appear to support the suggestion made above.
    • The board approved this matter as presented.
  • E.4. County Administrative Office – Introduce and waive the reading of an ordinance amending code sections 2.60.530 regarding Holiday Leave and 2.60.770 regarding Travel Reimbursement. Up to $31 per day per eligible employee or grand jury member.
    • CAO Tuthill
      • This addresses inconsistencies in how policies are applied (based on MOUs) within Trinity County.
    • The board approved this matter as presented.
Report Regarding Prior Closed Session
  • G.1. Government Code Section 54954.5(f) – Conference with Labor Negotiators County’s Designated Representatives: Laila Cassis, Suzie Hawkins, Margaret Long Employee Organizations: General Unit
    • Direction given to staff
  • F.1. Government Code Section 54954.5(f) – Conference with Labor Negotiators County’s Designated Representatives: Laila Cassis, Suzie Hawkins, Margaret Long. Employee Organizations: General Unit 
    • Direction given to staff.


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