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Today’s board meeting included three presentations – including information regarding services available through the Shasta-Cascade Small Business Development Center, an update from U.S. Forest Service representatives, and a presentation regarding Winter Variable Flows.
The board pulled two items from the Consent Calendar for discussion, allocated funding for tourism-related initiatives, approved the 2025 schedule for board meetings, decided how to move forward with funding for the Natural Services Division, and more.
A.1. Board of Supervisors – Receive a presentation from Director of Shasta-Cascade Small Business Development Center Quintin Gaddy regarding small business services available at no cost to Trinity County businesses. No fiscal impact.
- This is a nonprofit providing services at no cost to small businesses. Offices in Redding, Yreka, and monthly at Shasta College offices in Weaverville.
- There is a full team of contracted business advisors available to small businesses.
- QuickBooks, Legal, Cyber Security, Search Engine Optimization, Financing Support, Human Resources,
- There are no limits on the number of resources accessed by the small business
- Business Advising, Coaching, Training Events, Educational Curriculum
- Will put on local events upon request
- Business Loans
- Since April 2023
- 460 small businesses advised
- 1,601 hours of 1:1 business advising
- $15.6 million in capital infusion
- 20 business starts
- $12.2 million in revenue growth
- 61 jobs created
- Statewide Programs available within the region
- Restaurant Program
- Tech Futures Group
- Finance Center
- Pro Biz – for government contracts
- California Shop Small – for online sales without having to build/maintain website
- Upcoming/Current Initiatives
- Credit Repair Workshop
- Disaster Preparedness
- Agriculture Innovation
- Serve multiple counties – including Southern Oregon, Modoc, Lassen, Tehama, Plumas, Glenn, Butte, Sierra
- Similar offerings as in other categories – with Ag focus
- Online courses available
- Areas of Focus
- Family Planning, Accessing Capital, Industry Collaboration, Farming Resiliency, Business 101, Direct to Consumer Markets
- Direct to Consumer – facilitates selling of products to consumers (farmers markets, etc.)
- – Farmer/Rancher, Food Entrepreneur, Wholesale Buyer, Shopper
- Resources are focused on teaching rather than doing for you
- No legal or tax advice
- State resources available for small businesses involved in cannabis industry
- Planning & Zoning – can help with this as well
A.2. Clerk of the Board – Receive an update from U.S. Forest Service representatives regarding matters of interest in Trinity County. No fiscal impact.
- Fred Perrin | Deputy District Ranger during transition time
- Tara Jones will return in a month or so.
- Bowerman Project – nearing completion of specialist reports.
- Junction City Project – next focus for this work
- Roadside fuels reduction work in Hayfork
- Trinity Center timber sale in Trinity Center area
- Northern Trinity | Highway 3 Project
- Trails/Recreation aspect is being discussed as part of the project. The Watershed Center conducted research regarding trails and provided results for consideration. Hoping that this will be incorporated into the NEPA document.
- Digital Path Fire Cameras – Spring of 2025 installation in several areas
- Prescribed Fires – underway for the last 2-3 months.
- Women in Wildfire – March 2025, very strong interest/applications
- Permanent Fire Hire – underway. Appears that all Fire Engine Captain roles will be filled (first time in quite a while)
- Partner Event BBQ – will reach out soon with possible dates.
- December 20th – date for finalization of budget allocation, etc.
- Trinity County remains a priority landscape. Funding previously approved are still “safe.”
A.3. Community Development – Natural Resources – Receive a presentation from Environmental Compliance Specialist II Patrick Flynn on Winter Variable Flows. No fiscal impact.
- Flow Workgroup Coordinator for this fiscal year
- Synchronized Flow
- Maximum of 10 boat fishing days lost (above 1500 cfs)
- Only one flow synchronization event
- December 15 starts period for synchronized flow
- 4,500 cfs at north fork gauge is trigger
- Up to 6,500 cfs and 60,000 acre feet total
- Elevated base flows – dependent upon earlier flows and forecasts
- Most likely 60,000 to 120,000 acre feet
- Spring Snow Melt Releases – April 15…
- Environmental Assessment has not yet been. Signed by Bureau of Reclamation – hoping to get buy-in from Hoopa Tribe
- Stay Informed
- See slides in presentation.
- Comments shared regarding cannabis cultivator fees for the General Fund. Also shared concerns about the board’s decision to uphold the appeal of the permit for a distribution facility. Indicated that a lawsuit would be filed if the fee study for the cannabis division program is not provided.
C.1. Report from Department Heads
- None
C.2. Report from County Administrative Officer
- TASA now has a signed MOU in place for support of the Animal Shelter operations.
- County website – new site to be launched in a couple weeks using Civic Plus. Look for enhanced usability, some new content, etc.
- Tax Measures – Butte County was successful with their tax measure. He will bring more information and thoughts to a future meeting
- Home Key Plus funding availability announced. Reviewing to determine best options for Trinity County.
- Housing Element – draft document available for review through January 24, 2025.
- Pack the Patrol Car – sponsored by the Probation Department.
C.3. Reports from Members of the Board of Supervisors
- District 1 | Ric Leutwyler
- CSAC – participated in the 3 day Annual Conference and represented Trinity County on the CSAC Board. Shared notes and attachments with the Clerk of the Board for distribution to all Supervisors and interested members of Staff.
- Several items of interest include:
- Strategic Grants Initiative
- Transportation ZEV Policies & Timelines
- California Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative
- CSAC – participated in the 3 day Annual Conference and represented Trinity County on the CSAC Board. Shared notes and attachments with the Clerk of the Board for distribution to all Supervisors and interested members of Staff.
- Disaster Council – attended my last meeting as Chair. I enjoyed learning more about the great work done by participants. I would like to share (again) that our partners at CalOES feel that our Trinity County Disaster Council sets the gold standard for these entities.
- Sierra Nevada Conservancy – attended the sub-region meeting yesterday and will attend the next board meeting later this month in Auburn, CA. Trinity County will have the voting member seat for the next two years.
- California Jobs First – attended a planning meeting to discuss next steps. There will be another meeting this month to finalize catalyst funding allocations.
- Process Automation – met with representatives, reviewed demonstrations, and obtained rough financial estimates for a platform that could streamline and enhance service delivery. Next step is to meet with CAO Tuthill.
- Hmong Community Monument – attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new monument honoring the role of the Hmong Community in the Vietnam War.
- Trinity County Collaborative – providing a letter for board endorsement.
- District 2 | Jill Cox
- MILO Training – attended simulated training with the Probation Department.
- 30 Year Flood Plain Map – participated in meeting to review plans
- Northwest Forest Plan Management – participated in background meeting regarding update that is coming.
- Simpson University – participated in meeting
- LAFCO Session – meeting tomorrow to discuss details related to various approaches to funding sources for
- District 2 | Jill Cox
- District 3 | Liam Gogan
- No out-of-county travel
- NorCAL EMS – participated in the meeting. Set meeting dates for next year.
- Hmong New Year Celebration
- Hmong Monument Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – first Hmong family moved to Trinity County in 2010
- District 3 | Liam Gogan
- District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- No out-of-county travel
- NACO attended virtually
- Rural Action Caucus and Western Regional Meeting in Santa Rosa later this week.
- Role of County Government presentation with 7th graders
- District 4 | Heidi Carpenter-Harris
- District 5 | Dan Frasier
- NCUAQ Board Meeting – 11.7.2024 – set the calendar for next year’s meetings
- District 5 | Dan Frasier
C.4. Reports from Ad Hocs
1. Tribal Relations – presentations will take place on December 17th. The Ad Hoc Committee is now disbanded.
2. Tourism Partners Funding
- Met with Supervisor Cox to discuss proposals and panel ratings and recommendations. We provided the materials seen as part of the back up material for use in board discussion during County Matters.
- The Ad Hoc Committee is now disbanded.
Public Comment
- Comment / question regarding a raise for county employee within the consent calendar.
- The board pulled items 19 and 22 for discussion and approved all remaining items on the consent calendar.
D.19. Human Resources – Authorize a step increase from G148C to G148D for permanent part-time employee 02970 effective November 1, 2024. $0.95 per hour for actual hours worked plus applicable payroll taxes.
- Laila Cassis | Human Resources Director
- Shared that this is for a step increase that requires board approval.
- Larry Fierro | Department Head
- Spoke on behalf of the employee and the increase.
- The board approved this matter as approved
D.22. Solid Waste – Adopt a resolution removing Asset ID: 13683 the Morbark 1100 (3311) Tub Grinder from the Solid Waste capital asset inventory list. No impact to the General Fund, unknown revenue to the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.
- CAO | Trent Tuthill
- Provided background information including the logistical/operational challenges the county has faced in using this particular piece of equipment.
- Equipment will be sold via auction with a minimum price that will ensure that outstanding balance is covered
- Plans call for purchase equipment that will be more appropriate for Trinity County.
- The board approved this matter as presented.
E.1. Board of Supervisors – Discuss and/or provide direction to staff regarding the funding recommendations of the Tourism Funding Ad Hoc. $70,000 currently budgeted for marketing Trinity County.
- Supervisor Leutwyler – provided background regarding the process and foundation of the committee’s proposal to the board.
- Supervisor Cox – clarified that the proposal to the board reflects what the panelists/experts believed would have the most positive impact on tourism.
- Public Comment
- Comments questioning the value of people from outside the county making recommendations 11:28AM … regarding tourism marketing in Trinity County. Also shared concern about plans to use $30,000 to pay a consultant for a process that would lead to increased taxes. Questioned the anticipated ROI of the TBID initiative. Suggested using $30,000 from the $100,000 that was not awarded this year.
- Comments indicating shock at the proposal to provide no funding for the Visitors Center. Shared examples of how the center supports tourism – which included several examples of above & beyond support for tourists.
- Comments offered in support of the Visitors Center. Noted the important ways in which this organization supports tourism.
- Comments regarding the importance of our economy to the health of Trinity County and it’s residents. Feels that we are working backwards and that closing the Visitors Center is taking away a valuable resource for the other entities proposed to receive funding. Shared concern regarding the decision to uphold the appeal related to the cannabis distribution center.
- Comments offered in support of the Visitors Center. Noted the center as a hub for Trinity County and the organizations who promote tourism.
- Comments focused on the plans presented by the Hayfork Chamber. Referenced data indicating that 34% of tourism is in some way associated with cannabis. 11:44AM. Shared plans for the rollout of tourism-focused branding in the near future. Noted that $2,500 is insufficient to support tourism marketing.
- Shared that this is a sad day as the proposal to not fund the Visitors Center is taking away another part of what makes our county special. Feels that we are taking money away from important things to fund the jail. Feels the board does not support cannabis. Feels that special interests are guiding decisions.
- Comments offered in support of the Hayfork Chamber proposal and the Visitors Center. Believes the work being done by the Hayfork Chamber is very professional and will make a big impact. Shared that branding of Trinity County cannabis is about to launch. Emphasized the importance of diversification for the health of our economy. Anticipates cannabis-related events that will support tourism throughout the county.
- Comments in support of funding the Visitors Center. Feels that the center should evolve but already plays an important role. Offered support for the Hayfork Chambers efforts in support of cannabis-related tourism.
- Comments in support of funding the Visitors Center. Feels that Trinity County is unique and that is why the Visitors Center remains an important part of tourism. Supported using other funds to support the TBID initiative.
- Comments offered in support of the Visitors Center. Feels that prior decisions of this board have led us to this challenging financial state. Feels the board needs to stop trying to restrict businesses in Trinity County.
- Board Discussion
- Supervisor Carpenter-Harris shared thoughts about the value of the Visitors Center – emphasizing the value of “human-touch” to Trinity County tourism.
- Supervisor Gogan – commented on the huge contributions made by Pat Zugg and emphasized the importance of funding the center. Also shared that more funding should go to the Hayfork Chamber to support their cannabis-focused tourism efforts.
- Supervisor Frazier – noted that a very small percentage of funding goes to District 5. Shared that some of these funds should go to moving these organizations away from reliance on these TOT funds. Questioned how we will see the ROI in our county budget.
- Supervisor Cox – clarified that the panelists offered their support at no cost to the county. Also clarified that “outside” expertise was sought to minimize bias and engage individuals with strong expertise and experience. Explained that $70,000 represents an increase as this amount used to include allocation to the Museum… leaving only $44,000.
- Supervisor Leutwyler – shared views that this board has been more supportive of cannabis than is indicated by comments. Acknowledged that this proposal is a sudden and significant change in direction. With that in mind, he put forward a motion to pull $6,000 from LATCF funds to support the Visitors Center and make arrangements for the Hayfork Chamber to present to the board in the first quarter of 2025. This motion was subsequently modified and approved.
- Patt Zugg answered questions regarding the Visitors Center – including whether or not the $6,000 contribution would be sufficient to keep the center open.
- Supervisor Cox put forward a third motion for consideration – The $70,000 be allocated with the changes to the amounts presented.
- The board voted to use LATCF funds to add $3,000 for the Hayfork Chamber and $6,000 for the Visitors Center to the proposed funding levels.
E.2. Clerk of the Board – Discuss and/or take action to cast Trinity County’s vote for Group 1 Counties representative on the County Medical Services Program Governing Board. No fiscal impact.
- CAO | Trent Tuthill
- Presented the matter with some information about Trinity County’s participation in this program. Also confirmed staff’s support of the proposal.
- The board voted in support of Supervisor Valenzuela
E.3. Clerk of the Board – Set the Board of Supervisors meeting schedule for calendar year 2025.No fiscal impact.
- CAO | Trent Tuthill
- Presented the matter – acknowledging there are three meetings that follow a holiday on Monday.
- The board approved the calendar as presented.
E.4. Community Development – Natural Resources – Discuss and/or provide direction to staff regarding the Natural Resources position, organization and/or funding. Unknown fiscal impact.
- CAO | Trent Tuthill
- Presented the matter including an explanation of challenges we have faced that are leading to requirements for additional General Fund allocation to cover hours not being covered by partner entities. Noted that additional funds could be required next year.
- Public Comment
- Kelly Sheen | RCD
- Shared comments in support of RCD and its plans to rely on (and pay for) services provided by the Natural Resources Division. Confirmed that funding is now in hand to cover the cost of these services. Believes they will be able to provide more funding than originally anticipated. Believes this will all work more smoothly in the future. Currently looking at three years of funding. Both the RCD and Watershed Center are each anticipating one project per year for each of the next three years.
- Kelly Sheen | RCD
- Board Discussion
- Supervisor Leutwyler – In effect, we are (potentially) choosing to fund a Natural Resources Expert. While I see the value in having this resource, I would like to see a clear set of deliverables and expectations for the time that will be covered by General Funds. I would also like to see a monthly forecast of anticipated partner revenues. This could come during the mid-year review.
- Supervisor Cox – asked a number of detailed questions to ensure all had a clear understanding of the source of funding, the importance of this work, etc. She also put forward a motion in support of option 2 from the staff report – continuing to support the division as planned/budgeted.
- The board approved option 2 which ensures the division will continue to operate as planned. The potential exists for $80,000 to be pulled in from the general fund.
E.5. Human Resources – Approve the job description, set the salary range and add to the alphabetical listing of classifications a Correctional Deputy Sheriff Sergeant at Range S169 and modify the Sheriff’s Office Jail Division departmental allocation list by replacing one (1) Jail Commander with one (1) Correctional Deputy Sheriff Sergeant. Approximate cost in salary and benefits per month for a Correctional Deputy Sheriff Sergeant at A step is $10,521 if PEPRA Safety PERS Membership or $11,458 if Classic Safety PERS Membership.
- Laila Cassis | Human Resources Director
- This would have the effect of going back to the organizational structure that was previously in place.
- CAO | Trent Tuthill – explained the reasons for the change and highlighted that this will have a positive impact on the budget and the jail.
- The board approved this matter as presented.
E.6. Transportation – Approve the updated Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for Trinity County Department of Transportation’s Transit Division (Trinity Transit). No impact to the General Fund; up to $400,000 per FY from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
- Laila Cassis | Human Resources Director
- Department policy required by the Federal Government for us to receive federal funding.
- Wording is taken directly from language presented and required by the Federal Government. This reflects changes required by updates at the Federal level.
- The board approved this matter as approved.
Prior Closed Session Report – 11.5.2024
- F.1. Government Code Section 54956.95 – Liability Claim Claimant: EE ID: 02032 (Claim No. TIBZ-600077)
- Direction provided to staff.
F.1. Government Code Section 54954.5(c) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation. No. of Cases: One United Public Employees of California, Local 792 v. County of Trinity (Unfair Practice Charge No. SA-CE-1270-M)
- No Action Taken
F.2. Government Code Section 54954.5(f) – Conference with Labor Negotiators County’s Designated Representatives: Laila Cassis, Suzie Hawkins, Margaret Long Employee Organizations: General Unit
- Direction given to staff.
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