Check this space for articles, information about important county matters, and updates regarding Ric’s campaign.
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 6.4.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement This meeting included two presentations – one from a U.S. Forest Service representative, and the other from the Sheriff's Department regarding the Animal Shelter & Animal Rescue services. The agenda included a number...
Special Joint Meeting – Board of Supervisors & Planning Commission | 5.23.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement This special meeting was called as a joint session to involve the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, and the public in a seminar regarding the Zoning Code Update that is currently underway. Here are the...
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 5.21.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement This meeting included four presentations - two were regarding proclamations, the third was an update from the TOT-funded partners regarding the use and impact of funding provided by the county, and the fourth was from the...
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 5.7.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement This meeting began with six presentations. The agenda was otherwise fairly light and we wrapped up around noon. Here are the notes I took regarding the meeting. Please understand that this is not a comprehensive...
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 4.16.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement This was a busy meeting - with the closed session wrapping up after 6 PM. The agenda included five presentations, three cannabis-related items, a fee waiver request, and much more. Here are the notes I took...
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 4.2.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement There were two presentations on this agenda – a U.S. Forest Service update from Tara Jones | District Ranger and an update regarding the recently-commissioned Housing Element for the General Plan. The board...
Update on County Matters | 3.23.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement I continue to be amazed at how much goes on, often behind the scenes, here in Trinity County. This update highlights a few areas of interest, including - economic development, community plans, water matters,...
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 3.19.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement There was only one presentation on this agenda – an update from Tom Stokely regarding water matters of interest to Trinity County. There were no reports from department heads or the CAO's office. Reports were...
Special Meeting of the Board | 3.12.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement This special board meeting was dedicated to interviewing candidates for Trinity County Auditor/Controller. Since this is an elected position, the Board of Supervisors is responsible for selecting the individual...
Board of Supervisors Meeting | 3.5.2024
Sharing Information | Encouraging Engagement There were several presentations on this agenda - a U.S. Forest Service Update, an update regarding Conflict of Interest from County Counsel, and a proclamation regarding Social Work Appreciation Month. Reports...